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Health Benefits of Pounded yam

Pounded yam is one of the most important food in Nigeria, it is rich in Vitamin, Mineral and fibre which and also has some health benefits



Health Benefits of Pounded yam

Pounded yam is one of the most important food in Nigeria. This food is made from Yam .

Pounded yam is also known as Iyan in some places, is a yam recipe, which is produced through the process of boiling the yam, pounding it with the use of a mortar and pestle until it stretched like a dough. But with the advances in technology, you do not of going through the process of pounding yam with mortar or pestle due to the introduction of pounded instant flour commonly known as poundo yam.

Most people love pounded yam, most especially when it is served with egusi or vegetable soup.

In this article, we will be discussing about the health benefits of pounded yam
Pounded yam is rich in Vitamin, Mineral and fibre
136grams of pounded yam provides
Calories- 158
Carbs- 37grams
Protein- 2grams
Fat- 0grams
Fibre- 5grams
Vitamin c- 18% of the Daily Value(DV)
Vitamin B5- 9% of the DV
Manganese – 22% of the DV
Magnesium- 6% of the DV
Potassium- 19% of the DV
Thiamine- 11% of the DV
Copper – 23% of the DV
Folate- 6% of the DV

Health Benefits of Pounded yam
1. Balance the Digestive System and Bowel Movement
Yam is a great food for the Digestive system and bowel movement balance due to the potassium and fibre content that helps with the muscle
2. It helps in Skin Disease
Yam contains a chemical compound known as Allantoin, which is active moisture used to treat scaly, itchy, dry and rough skin, skin burns, boils and other skin diseases.
3. It helps in Brain Functioning
Minerals contents contained in Pounded yam increases the speed at which the brain functions, thereby helps the brain functioning well
4. Rich in Carbohydrates
Yam contains a lot of fibre which makes it highly rich in Carbohydrates which provides energy to the body and regulation blood glucose
5. A good supplement of Menopause
Pounded yam contains some enzymes that help to nourish and balance some hormones that do function in the body of menopausal women
6.It helps in Weight loss
Yam has high fibre content which helps in sugar reduction in the body metabolisms thereby helps to lose weight

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