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24 Countries With Cases of Omicron COVID Variant

The World Health Organisation recently revealed that the Omicron COVID variant has been reported in at least 24 countries. Here is the list.



The World Health Organisation recently revealed that the Omicron COVID variant has been reported in at least 24 countries.

Recall that  The World Health Organization has labelled omicron a “variant of concern”  after it was detected by South African authorities and subsequently reported to the WHO.

The World Health Organization also noted that a large number of mutations of the omicron variant could make it more contagious. Here is a list of countries where the Omicron COVID variant hav been reported.

  1. United States
  2. Canada
  3. Brazil
  4. Norway
  5. Sweden
  6. Ireland
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Netherland
  9. Belgium
  10. Germany
  11. Denmark
  12. Czech republic
  13. Austria
  14. Switzerland
  15. Italy
  16. Spain
  17. Portugal
  18. Saudi Arabia
  19. Ghana
  20. Nigeria
  21. Botswana
  22. South Africa
  23. Japan
  24. Australia

The director-general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus said the number of cases is expected to grow.

WHO takes this development extremely seriously, and so should every country,” he said

“But it should not surprise us. This is what viruses do. And it’s what this virus will continue to do, as long as we allow it to continue spreading.”

He said experts were learning more about the variant, “but there’s still more to learn about its effect on transmission, severity of disease, and the effectiveness of tests, therapeutics and vaccines”.

The WHO DG urged countries to take “rational, proportional risk-reduction measures,” including those aimed at delaying or reducing spread, such as screening passengers or implementing quarantines for international travellers.

Meanwhile, the president of the United States of America, Joe Biden declared that there is no reason to enforce another lockdown over the Omicron variant.
