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5 Love Languages, Usage And Meaning

Even love can sometimes get lost in translation when two partners speak different love languages. Hence, the need to understand your partners’ love language.



At times, it can prove pretty hard to understand your partner. Yes, you are communicating that you love them but is it in the language your partner understands?

Now you know why they say “Falling in love is easy but staying in love is challenging”.

We all want to show our partners that we love and care about them. More importantly, ensuring that they understand the intent of our message.

And that’s why we want to talk about 5 love languages and how they can help in our relationship.

What exactly are the 5 love languages, what do they mean and how can you make use of them?

Love language describes how people like to express and receive love. Depending on who you are, you may feel love differently than your partner.

If only you understand the different ways of showing and receiving love, it will help you guess your partner’s expectations and needs.

I will be talking about the 5 love languages and how you can use them in your daily interaction with your significant other.

What Are the Five Love Languages?

According to Gary Chapman, there are five general ways that romantic partners express and receive love.

  1. Receiving gifts
  2. Words of Affirmation
  3. Acts of service
  4. Quality time
  5. Physical touch

Not everyone communicates love in the same way, people have diverse ways of receiving love. Below is the summary of each of the 5 love languages.

Receiving gifts

Giving your partner gifts tells them you love them and also think about them. Just ask yourself when you receive special gifts, how do you feel? If you get a gift from your partner there’s always this feeling attached to it, you feel loved. And it’s not about the present but the thought behind the item. People that love this style recognize and value the gift, the important thing is to give meaningful things that matter to them.

Word of affirmation

People with this language love assurance, you have to tell them over and over again that you love them. Also, they so much cherish your compliments, appreciation, encouragement. Not only do they want you to give them affirmations but also the reason behind those affirmations. People with this love language dislike harsh words and criticism because it bothers them for a long time.

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Acts of service

If acts of service are your love language, you cherish it when your partner does everything to make life easier for you, you feel cared for when your partner do it before you get there or make you breakfast as a surprise (Breakfast in bed), making coffee for you in the morning, or doing the chores when you’ve had a busy day at work and most times broken promises or laziness can make you feel less important.

Quality time

You always want your partner to be present and you love undivided attention, if they are with you and just keeping straight contact you love it (not looking at their phone or playing games when you’re around). It makes you feel important and if they don’t listen for a period of time, you feel unloved.

Physical touch

You love being close to and caressed by your partner. You enjoy signs of affection which includes cuddling, kissing, sex, holding hands. People with this love language love physical intimacy. Appropriate touches convey warmth and safety and if they neglect you it can drive a wedge between you and your partner.

In conclusion, I know most people have one, two, or three preferred love languages, and learning to speak your partner’s love language is very important and can strengthen your relationship.

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