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20 Unusual and Bizarre Laws from Different Countries Around the World
In this article, we are going to take a wide look at the unusual and bizarre laws from different countries around the world which you actually not heard of before or think existed.

The world is complex with many weird people, but guess what? many countries around the world have also written weird laws to help straighten some of the strange and bizarre stuff people might do. With every sovereign nation around the world operating under a specific written law that may be influenced by the social economy or cultural beliefs of such people, we have come to see there are a lot of unusual and bizarre laws from different countries around the world.
So, you might want to keep it down when traveling to an unknown country next time, try to familiarize yourself with the laws of the land before you get into trouble or better still land a huge fine. With many of these laws almost seem like urban myths or too ridiculous and true to be real, In this article, we are going to take a wide look at the unusual and bizarre laws from different countries around the world.
1. Flush Before 10:00 Pm
In Switzerland, it is mandatory by law for you to flush the toilet on or before 10:00 pm failure to do so will attract some fines. So if you are in the country make sure to finish your business before 10 pm. Although not practiced everywhere in the country the Swiss government has however made it illegal to flush the toilet that late in the night especially in an apartment building as it is considered noise pollution.
2. You Must Walk Your Dog 3 Times Daily in Turin, Italy
Unless you have hundreds of Euros to pay as a fine, you should rethink before getting a dog in Rome. It is mandatory by law that you should at least walk your dog three times a day in Turin. Failure to do so will attract 500 euros as a fine. When visiting Italy, make sure you can afford to pay a fine for having a dog or be ready to make time to walk your dog.
3. Not More than 50 Kgs of Spud
Coming to Australia, you don’t want to be caught having more than 50kg of potatoes at home even if you have the money to afford more. In the West Australian law, buying or possessing anything higher than 50 kilograms of potatoes is illegal with the law empowering regulators to take strict actions against offenders.
4. Kissing on French Trains is Illegal
You will wonder where some of these unusual and bizarre laws from different countries around the world came from. Like who actually sat down to write them? The city known to be the destination of most lovers is not without its bizarre laws you have to take note of. In France kissing on a train is against the law, you won’t be pardoned if you are caught breaking the law. Although kissing is accepted at railway stations if only the train is not on site, that is the train has not arrived.
5. It’s Illegal to Chew Gum in Singapore
Well as bizarre as this law may be, it wasn’t your fault it was enacted. Bubble gum was banned in Singapore in the year 1992 before some people used gum to commit offenses that later costs the state a heavy amount of money to clear up. Additionally, the amount used to decontaminate the state due to gum littering the whole place gave rise to the bubble gum law to stand. If you are gum with gum or selling or chewing gum, you could face a heavy fine or even serve jail time.
6. You Cannot Die Without a Pre-Purchased Burial Plot in Part of France
As funny as this law may sound, you just can’t die, it is illegal for you to die without having a burial plot in the town of Sarpourenx France. Why this law was enacted was to be able to provide a final resting place for everyone due to the congestion of the cemetery.
The mayor of the state issued the ordinance as the law takes effect in 2008, offenders faulting the law by the effect of the ordinance are to be punished severely. In the town of Sarpourenx, you cannot die within the city wall without first having a burial plot.
Well, you will wonder who will pay the fine if you actually die, will they charge the dead body or the family?
7. No Selfies With Buddha in Sri Lanka
Loves traveling taking pictures or going on an adventure, make sure to pick things to know as a guide on Sri Lanka culture, law, and pride before getting yourself into trouble. The Buddha temple with its statues is one of the destinations for many tourists visiting Sri Lanka. It is against the law of the state to have a selfie with the statue because it is offensive as it is a sign of disrespect to turn your back on him. Irrespective of who you are, you will be facing jail time, as this sign of disrespect can not go away with paying of fine.
8. It’s Illegal to Feed Pigeons in Venice, Italy
You would think Venice doesn’t like its birds or wants them to go hungry, but that’s not the case. The state suffers from spending taxpayer’s money to clean up the mess after tourists or citizens have fed the pesky pigeons. So don’t go around Venice feeding pigeons just to get an Instagram-worthy photo. If you are found breaking the law, aside from risking being prosecuted, you be fined paying up to 700 euros or more.
9. It’s Illegal to Wear Lacy Undies in Russia
In 2014 Russia along with Belarus, and Kazakhstan state, enacted a law to prevent women from wearing anything lacy undergarments. Although, women protested the law stood anyways with the states claiming it was for health reasons. Well, the question remains, how will they discover those wearing such, if you don’t want to find out, better don’t wear it.
10. It’s Illegal to Reincarnate Without Permission in China
It is still difficult to understand the rationale behind this law but Tibetan Buddhist monks are not permitted to reincarnate without getting the proper permission from the government before doing so. Though it is still unclear how the law will be enforced or how to know individuals who have reincarnated.
11. Married Women Can Only Have One Glass of Wine in Bolivia
Good news to all the bachelorettes in the house, well we can say the same to the married women. Because by law as a Bolivia woman who is married, you are not permitted to have not more than one. They may have gained their roots from the belief that alcohol will make a woman immoral while that may be accepted for a single woman it definitely a no for a married woman. Additionally, the law also empowers the husband to actually divorce his wife if she is found drinking in public!
12. Don’t Pass Wind in Malawi
This is definitely one of the most unusual laws on this list, who does that? But actually, it is a standing law that in Malawi you can’t just fart, it’s illegal. The Air Fouling Legislation of 2011 became a law that barred people from farting, you can’t just go around farting thinking it’s cool. You could land in serious trouble if you do.
13. It’s Illegal to Disrupt a Wedding in Australia
For those thinking the best way to get back at an ex is by disrupting their wedding, well, you’ve got to think twice before doing that because you might not be able to pay the fine. In Australia, you will be fined $10000 dollars for disrupting a wedding, even if the preacher asks the popular question that if there’s someone in the congregation who has a thing to say why the couples will not be joined together, you better keep your peace unless you have the capacity to pay the fine or be ready to do time for up to 2 years.
14. You Cannot Be Overweight in Japan
What could go wrong by consuming junk or Mccdonals, well a lot could go wrong if you are a Japanese citizen. In a bid to control obesity, the Japanese government has created the Metabo Law which requires it citizens to have annual waist measurements mostly for citizens between the age of 40 and 74. By the status of the men, waist measurement ought not to pass the 33.5 inches mark while women are mandated to have 35.4 inches. Having above the mark will attract fines.
15. It is Illegal to go to Bed in Massachusetts without Bathing
Well, this seems a little bit over the board but guess what is what this list is for to look at the unusual and bizarre laws from different countries around the world. And as usual, as this may be it is actually a working law Massachussets that is enforced.
One of the reasons this law was postulated in the first place was to encourage hygienic leaving among the citizens of the state as many jobs require the same. So in Massachusetts, it’s against the law to sleep without taking a full bath.
16. Don’t Cut the Cactus in Arizona
Cutting the cactus in Arizona can attract a jail sentence that is up to 25 years which is greater than some state offenses. So if you find yourself in Arizona, don’t say you are not warned. Ignorance is not an excuse, don’t go around looking for a cactus to cut hoping to see what happens next.
17. Don’t honk in New York City
It is illegal to honk your horn in New York City. If you do, you could face a fine of $350. This is one of the unusual laws that will be really tough for Indians to follow.
18. It is Illegal to Have Sex With A Virgin Unless It’s On A Wedding Night
Well as difficult as it is to believe the law that prevents you from having sex with a virgin actually exists in Washington. You are allowed to have sex with a virgin only on a wedding night! Well, who will monitor the violations of this law? No one! Seriously, what kind of a law is this?
19. Codeine is Ban in Japan
Just like every control frowns strongly at some drugs, Japan seems not to be behind on this as well. Although codeine is a cough syrup the Japanese say otherwise. If you are caught with any medicine that contains codeine in Japan you risk facing jail time or being deported if you are a foreigner.
20. It is Illegal to Promise to Marry an Individual in Nigeria and Not Fulfilling
As funny as it may seem, the law actually exists in Nigeria. You can be charged and fined heavily if fault the law of promising whether to marry a man or woman and not owning up to the promise. As ridiculous as it is, it is actually one of the unusual and bizarre laws from different countries around the world.
20 Unusual and Bizarre Laws from Different Countries Around the World
- Flush Before 10:00 Pm
- You Must Walk Your Dog 3 Times Daily in Turin, Italy
- Not More than 50 Kgs of Spud
- Kissing on French Trains is Illegal
- It’s Illegal to Chew Gum in Singapore
- You Cannot Die Without a Pre-Purchased Burial Plot in Part of France
- No Selfies With Buddha in Sri Lanka
- It’s Illegal to Feed Pigeons in Venice, Italy
- It’s Illegal to Wear Lacy Undies in Russia
- It’s Illegal to Reincarnate Without Permission in China
- Married Women Can Only Have One Glass of Wine in Bolivia
- Don’t Pass Wind in Malawi
- It’s Illegal to Disrupt a Wedding in Australia
- You Cannot Be Overweight in Japan
- It is Illegal to go to Bed in Massachusetts without Bathing
- Don’t Cut the Cactus in Arizona
- Don’t honk in New York City
- It is Illegal to Have Sex With A Virgin Unless It’s On A Wedding Night
- Codeine is Ban in Japan
- It is Illegal to Promise to Marry an Individual in Nigeria and Not Fulfilling