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Top 10 Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

These extraordinary and diverse dishes from around the world celebrate the adventurous spirit of culinary exploration.



Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of unusual cuisine? Get ready for a mouth-watering adventure as we delve into the top 10 bizarre foods enjoyed by people across the globe. From peculiar ingredients to daring culinary traditions, these extraordinary dishes will surely pique your curiosity.

Whether it’s devouring live octopus in South Korea or indulging in bulls’ testicles in Spain, these unique delicacies offer an opportunity to experience new cultures through the palate. Prepare to be amazed and satisfied as we embark on a journey through the world of extraordinary cuisine. Enjoy the ride

1. Sannakji, South Korea

Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

Sannakji, a renowned dish in South Korea, takes a prominent spot among the top 10 bizarre foods people commonly consume.

It involves enjoying live octopus, specifically its wriggling tentacles. The octopus is swiftly sliced into small pieces, allowing it to maintain its lively movements on the plate. This delicacy offers a distinctive flavor reminiscent of chicken and shrimp, but diners must exercise caution.

The octopus’ suction cups can pose a choking risk if not handled carefully. With a dash of sesame oil, Sannakji showcases the audacious side of Korean cuisine.

2. Balut

Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

Balut, a unique Filipino dish, is known as one of the top 10 unusual foods enjoyed around the world. It starts with a duck egg that’s been fertilized and allowed to incubate for 14-21 days.

When cooked, the egg contains a partially developed duck embryo, people usually add a bit of salt or vinegar to enhance the flavor.

Balut can be a challenging taste for some because they’re eating a duckling that hasn’t fully formed yet. Despite this, it holds cultural significance.

3. Tuna fish eyeballs

Tuna fish eyeballs

Tuna fish eyeballs may sound strange, but they’re actually one of the top 10 unusual foods that people enjoy. In Japan, where tuna is very popular, even the eyeballs are sold at affordable prices in fish markets.

These eyeballs can be cooked with garlic, soy sauce, and lemon to make a tasty snack. Surprisingly, they have a similar taste to octopus.

If you’re up for a unique culinary experience, don’t hesitate to give tuna eyeballs a try.

4. Century Eggs, China

Century Eggs, China

Century eggs, an intriguing Chinese delicacy, rank among the top 10 unusual foods that people worldwide enjoy. In China, artisans preserve duck, chicken, or quail eggs by submerging them in a mixture of clay, ash, quicklime, and salt for several weeks or months.

This process transforms the eggs into a blackish-green hue externally, while the inside develops a soft and custardy texture.

Century eggs are commonly paired with rice or congee and offer a unique taste with hints of slight sulphur. If you ever find yourself in China, seize the opportunity to embark on this extraordinary and flavorful culinary journey!

5. Rocky Mountain Oysters


Rocky Mountain Oysters stand out among the top 10 unusual foods that people often eat, they’re actually bull testicles that are deep-fried and enjoyed by cowboys at rodeo events in the USA.

While the taste might take some getting used to, many find them strangely satisfying. Make sure to have plenty of refreshing drinks on hand to cleanse your palate.

Rocky Mountain Oysters offer a one-of-a-kind culinary experience that adventurous eaters might want to try.

6. Moose nose in jelly, Canada

Moose nose in jelly, Canada

Moose nose in jelly is a traditional Canadian dish that might surprise some, the nose of a moose is cooked until tender and then set in a flavorful jelly. This intriguing delicacy is often enjoyed on special occasions, representing a unique part of Canadian cuisine.

Transitioning from the initial surprise, many find the taste delightful, reminiscent of other rich meats. While not a dish for everyone, moose nose in Jelly holds cultural significance and offers a one-of-a-kind culinary experience. So, if you’re feeling adventurous and find yourself in Canada, give it a try and immerse yourself in the flavors of this remarkable tradition.

7. Fugu

Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

Fugu, also known as pufferfish in Japan, It’s crucial to handle it with utmost care, as certain parts, especially the liver, contain toxins.

Mistakes in preparation can lead to hospitalization or even death, as has happened tragically in some cases. Notably, fugu made an appearance in pop culture when Homer Simpson, from “The Simpsons,” mistakenly believed he had been poisoned by it.

Despite its risks, fugu remains a unique and intriguing delicacy that requires skilled hands to enjoy it safely.

8. Guinea pig, Peru

Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

Guinea pig, known as “cuy,” has been a common delicacy in Peru for over 5000 years. Despite its initial surprise, locals embrace this tradition with delight.

It is typically served roasted or fried, offering a taste reminiscent of chicken or duck meat. Interestingly, cuy is considered one of the healthiest meat dishes available.

As you explore Peru, don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in this unique culinary experience. Immerse yourself in the country’s rich culture and savor the flavors of cuy, an extraordinary tradition that has stood the test of time.

9. Fried Tarantulas

Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

Fried tarantulas have become a popular street food in Cambodia, offering a unique and daring culinary experience. Similar to deep-fried chicken, these arachnids are cooked in oil and served with a tasty dipping sauce.

Although their taste is often compared to chicken, fried tarantulas may not be everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re brave enough to try them, make sure to remove the fangs and venom glands located near the spider’s mouth.

Despite their intimidating appearance, these crispy delicacies are a must-try for adventurous eaters looking for an extraordinary culinary adventure in Cambodia.

10. Corn smut, Mexico

Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat

In Mexico, there is a special fungus called huitlacoche that grows on corn. It creates unique white and black growths, which some might consider as crop damage. However, Mexicans see it as a culinary treasure. Huitlacoche has a sweet and smoky flavor that adds a special touch to dishes. It thrives in warm climates, making Mexico the perfect place for its growth. Interestingly, this fungus is not only tasty but also packed with essential vitamins. If you ever get the chance, don’t miss the opportunity to try huitlacoche and discover its unique taste and cultural significance in Mexican cuisine.

Here is a list of the Top 10 Bizarre Foods That People Usually Eat:

1. Sannakji, South Korea

2. Balut

3. Tuna fish eyeballs

4. Century Eggs, China

5. Rocky Mountain Oysters

6. Moose nose in jelly, Canada

7. Fugu

8. Guinea pig, Peru

9. Fried Tarantulas

10. Corn smut, Mexico


The realm of bizarre foods is a captivating and diverse one, offering a glimpse into the intriguing culinary practices of different cultures.

From unexpected flavors to bold culinary adventures, these unique dishes showcase the remarkable ways in which food can transcend boundaries and ignite our senses.

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