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JAMB 2022: Chemistry Mock Questions and Answers

Compilation of 2022 JAMB Chemistry Mock Questions and Answers available for every candidate to study in preparation for their examination.



What are some of the Chemistry JAMB Mock Questions that were asked in the 2022 Mock examination?

Sequel to several requests put up by UTME candidates who didn’t participate in the 2022 JAMB Mock for one reason or the other. We have decided to compile a number of questions and possible answers from those who sat for the examination.

This way, every candidate can study them as they prepare for the conduct of 2022 UTME.

Before you proceed, you might want to check out Quiz: Chemistry JAMB Practice Questions 2022

Chemistry Mock Questions for JAMB 2022

1. How many grams of aluminium will be deposited by 0.1F? (AI = 27)

2. How many electrons are transferred in the reaction Zn + CuSO5 (ZnSO4 + Cu)

3. Which of the following is involved in the manufacturing of solid fat
A. Chlorine b. Oxygen c. Nitrogen d. Hydrogen

4. Water used in the preparation of drugs must be
A. Chlorinated b. Distilled

5. Effect of water fertilizer and insecticide in water bodies
A. Increases water oxygen level
B. Reduces oxygen level in water
C. Insecticide and fertilizer dissolve fast

6. Solubility of gas is differently proportional to
A. Volume b. Temperature c. Pressure

7. The colourless gas produced due to the action of calcium carbonate on cold water is
A. Propyne b. Ethyne c. Ethane

8. The electrolysis of CuSO4 using platinum electrode makes the solution become
A. Basic b. Neutral c. Acidic

9. What is the substance used for stomach disorders?

10. Spreading of bromine in water Exodus which kinetic theory?
A. Diffusion b. Osmosis

11. C6H1206 + O2 (Y + O2), what is Y?

12. CJ3CH=C (CH3)2. What is the IUPAC name of the above compound.

13. Lose of water from Na2CO3.10H 2O is called
A. Efflorescence b. Deliquesce c. Hygroscopy

14. The number of electrons in Person subshell of the atom of Na is?

15. What does reforming improve in petrol?

16. An example of an emulsion is
Answer- milk

17. a solution was mixed with dilute trioxonitrate(v) acid and further with silvertrioxonitrate(v). The ion present is
Answer- Cl ion

18. The solubility of gases depends on?
Answer- Temperature and pressure

19. Under what conditions can air be liquified? Answer- Low temperature and High pressure

20. The main difference between calcium and copper relates to their
Answer- Partially filled d orbitals

21. The phenomenon whereby a salt Na2CO3.H2SO4 loses molecules of water on exposure to air indicates?
Answer- Efflorescence

22. In the electrolysis of Cu2SO4 with platinum electrodes the resulting solution becomes. Answer- Acidic

23. The main difference between a strong acid and a weak acid is?
Answer- A strong acid ionizes completely while a weak one ionizes partially

24. The structural formula for amino acids includes?
Answer – R–C–COOH (Attached on the C is hydrogen on one side and an NH2 on the other)

25. Why don’t Alkanones react with Fehling’s solution and tollens reagent?
Answer- Because it requires a greater level of oxidation which such solutions and reagents don’t supply.

26. The action of calcium carbide on cold water gives what?
Answer- Ethyne

27. Which of the following is involved in soap making with oils
Answer- Hydrogen

28. The reduction of ethanoic acid gives?
Answer – Ethanol

29. C6H12O6——– 2C2H5OH + 2Co2 .. The enzyme involved is?
Answer- Zymase

30. The advantage of Reforming over cracking is ??

31. A solution containing 0.1M of NaOH of 25cm3 was mixed with 27.40cm3 of HCl. What is the concentration of the acid? (Hint: Use Ca.Va / Cb.Vb = na/nb) .

32. The water used in drug industries must be? Answer – Distilled

33. A mixture of Iron filings and sand can best be separated by?
Answer- Magnetization

34. An Element X belongs to group IA and Y belongs to the VII group .. what can be deduced?
Answer- The compound formed will be ionic and be able to dissolve in water

35. Which of the following has all its shells complete?
Answer- 1S2 2S2 2P6

36. The colour of Fe2+ and Fe3+ respectively are?
Answer- Dirty green and Brown

37. Chlorine is gotten by?
Answer- Electrolysis of brine

38. (Drawing of a set-up of preparation of chlorine pointing at elements in a tube labelled X) The part labelled X indicates?
Answer- KclO3 and MnO2

39. how many grams of Aluminium will be deposited by 0.1f (Al=27)

40. Which of the following is involved in the manufacturing of solid fat
a. Chlorine b.oxygen c.nitrogen d.hydrogen

41. What are the effects of water fertilizers and insecticides in water bodies?
a. Increase water oxygen level b. reduces the oxygen level in water c.insecticide and fertilizer dissolve fast

42. Solubility of gas is differently proportional to?
a. Volume b. Temperature c.pressure

43. The colourless gas produced due to the action of calcium carbonate on cold water is?
a. Propane b.ethyne c.ethane

44. The major difference between a strong acid and weak acid___
A. strong acid completely ionizes in soln while weak acid ionizes partially in soln
B. Weak acid ionizes completely in soln while strong acid ionizes partially in soln

45. The colour of fe2+ and fe3+ respectively are?

46. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by.
a.filtration b.adding slaked lime c.adding caustic soda d.boiling

47. An organic compound contains 60% carbon, 13.3% hydrogen and 26.7% oxygen. Calculate the empirical formula.
(A) C6H13O2 (B) C4H9O (C) C5H12O (D) C3H8O [C = 12, H = 1, O = 16]

48. The reaction between ammonia and ethyl ethanoate produces_____

(A) ethanol and propanamide (B) ethanol and ethanamide (C) propanol and ethanamide (D) propanol and propanamide.

49. 2-methylbutan-2-ol is an example of a

(A) secondary alkanol (B) tertiary alkanol  (C) dihydric alkanol (D) primary alkanol

50. Chlorophyll obtained from green leaves of plants can be composed of more than one coloured component by the technique of

(A) crystallization (B) hydrolysis (C) chromatography (D) sublimation

51. The colour of the fountain water is

A. blue B. orange C. red D. yellow.

52. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by

(A) filtration (B) adding slaked lime (C) adding caustic soda (D) boiling.

53. A solution which on treatment with hydrochloric acid produces a colourless, odourless gas which turns lime water milky is most likely to be a

(A) trioxocarbonate(IV) (B) trioxonitrate(V) (C) hydroxide (D) chloride

54. If chlorine is bubbled into the water and the resulting yellowish-green solution is exposed to bright sunlight for a while, the solution will decompose giving out

(A) oxygen, thereby producing hypochlorous (B) chlorine and oxygen  (C) oxygen and leaving behind aqueous hydrochloric acid (D) oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine

55. H3PO4(aq)+ H2O(l) → H2PO4–(aq) + H3O+(aq)

∆H = –13kJ at 298K

In the reaction above, an increase in temperature would

(A) have no effect on the reaction (B) slow down the reverse reaction  (C) favour the forward reaction (D)favour the reverse reaction

56. Sulphur (IV) oxide bleaches by

(A) hydration (B) reduction (C) absorption (D) oxidation

57. Which of the following gases can be collected by the method of downward delivery?

(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (C) Chlorine (D) Ammonia.

58. What current in amperes will deposit 2.7g of aluminium in 2 hours? (A) 32 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 16

59. Ethanoic acid is_____

(A) tribasic (B) unionizeable (C) monobasic (D) dibasic

60. Chlorine gas is produced industrially by________

Chemistry Mock Questions for JAMB 2021

1. The vigorous oxidation of primary alkanol yields?
Answer: Alkanoic acid

2. The metallic part of clay is?
Answer: Aluminium silicate

3. Which of the following metals would not form amalgam?
a) Methyl orange (Red) b) Methyl Orange (Purple) c) Phenolphthalein (Pink) d) Phenolphthalein (Red)

4. The restructuring of organic compounds to convert it from straight to branched-chain is called?
Answer: Reforming

5. Which indicator would be used for the following reaction and what colour would it give? KOH + CH3CH2COOH  H2O + CH3CH2COOK

6. Identify Reducing/ Oxidizing agents in equations

7. Calculations involving volume/mole/molar concentration

8. Which of the will exhibit the most electronegative character?

a ) Al b) Si c) P d) S
Answer: sulphur

9. Hydrolysis of organic nitriles will yield?

10. The bomb calorimeter makes use of which of the following?
Answer: Combustion

11. How many isomers of C4H9OH will be a tertiary alkanol?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
Answer: 3

12. Oxides of non-metals give?
a) acidic oxides b) amphoteric oxides c) basic oxides
Answer: Acidic oxides

13. Name the compound CH3CH2COOCH3
a) Ethylethanoate b) Methylpropanoate c) Methylethanoate d) Ethylmethanoate
Answer: ethylethanoate

14. In the reaction 2SO2 + O2 -X– 2SO3 , X is?
a) MnO2 b) Vanadium (V) oxide c) Finely divided Iron

15. Which of these make oils distinguished from fats?
a) Oils have higher proportion of saturation b) Oils have higher proportion of unsaturation
Answer:Oils contain a higher proportion of unsaturation

16. If at a temperature of 120oC, the rate of formation of a product is 40cm3sec-1, what will be the new rate of formation of the product at 130oC
a) 80cm³sec-1 b) 100cm³sec-1 c) 40cm³sec-1 d) 30cm³sec-1

17. Calculations for solubility in mol/dm-3

18. The characteristic crystalline shape of solid water is due to?
a ) Ionic bond b) dative bond c) hydrogen bond d) vander waals bond
Answer:Hydrogen bond

19. N , H2S , CO2 , Cl Which is soluble at room temperature?
a) N b) H2S c) CO2 d) Cl

20. Which of the following is not easily hydrolysed by dilute acids?

21. Calculations involving Keq (Equillibrium constant)

22. The purest form of natural water is?
a) Rain water b) tap water c) sea water d) spring water.
Answer:Rain water

23. The most polluted form of water is?
a) sea water b) well water c) river d) spring water
Answer: sea water

24. The purest form of amorphous carbon is?
a) wood charcoal b) sugar charcoal c) coke
Answer:Sugar charcoal

25. The compound of copper used for electroplating is ?

26. The most abundant rare gas is?
a) He b) Ar c) Ne
Answer: Argon

27. The ability of an organic compound to form multiple bonds with itself is?
a) X=1 y=1 z=-1 b) X=0 y=1 z=-1 c) X=1 y=0 z=1 d)X=-1 y=1 z=0

28. Hydration energy does …………….?
a ) Liberates heat b) Absorbs heat

29. PxVyTz=K , If K is the constant for Charles law, what will be the values of x,y, and z

30. 3C2H2–x- C6H6 The catalyst x is …………?
Answer: Organo Nickel

31. The compound of copper used in dyeing and electroplating is?

32. The purest form of amorphous carbon is

33. Which of the following gasses is soluble in water

33. The macromolecules that is not easily hydrolyzed by dilute acids is*

34. in negatively charged ion the number of particles that is increased is

35. Oil has lower melting point than fat because it constitute of
A.lower proportion *of coordinate bond
B.higher proportion* *of unsaturation
C.lower proportion of hydrogen bond
D.higher proportion of hydrogen bond

36. The type of bond that holds the structure of solid water is
A.Hydrogen bond
B.vandaal’s forces
C.covalent bond
D.dative bond

37. Vigorous oxidation of primarily alkanols yields?


39. What type of indicator is suitable for the reaction and what is the colour of the indicator at the end point

40. The main metallic constituent of clay is

41. Oxides of non-metals are
A.Acidic only
B.may be acidic or neutral
C.may be Acidic or Amphoteric
D.may be acidic or neutral

42. which of the elements cannot form an amalgam

43. How many moles of carbon IV oxide will have a mass of 8g of oxygen

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  1. Leri

    April 29, 2022 at 8:56 PM

    Pls where are d answers

  2. Gambo

    April 26, 2022 at 3:45 AM

    2022 jamb mock

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