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Indonesian Man Becomes A Millionaire After A Meteorite Stone Worth $1.8 Million Crashes Through His Roof
An Indonesian man identified as Josua Hutagalung has become an instant millionaire after a meteorite stone worth $1.8Million crashes through his roof.

An Indonesian man identified as Josua Hutagalung has become an instant millionaire after a meteorite stone worth $1.8Million crashes through his roof.
Josua Hutagalung who is a coffin maker was at home when the football-sized meteorite smashed through the veranda at the edge of his living room. He thought it was the booming sound of thunder except it was a sunny day out.
It turns out the rock was a meteorite which Hutagulung expected as it didn’t make sense to him that someone would throw a rock weighing 2.2kg on his house.
He said: “I was working on a coffin near the street in front of my house when I heard a booming sound that made my house shake. It was as if a tree had fallen on us. “It was too hot to pick up so my wife dug it out with a hoe and we took it inside.”
Josua Hutagalung, however, sold the rock to Jared Collins a space rock expert for $1.8 Million an equivalent of his 30 years’ salary for the 2.2kg rock. He planned to retire and pledged to use some of the money to build a church for his community.
He said: “I have also always wanted a daughter, and I hope this is a sign that I will be lucky enough now to have one.”
The meteorite is estimated to be roughly 4.5 billion years old, expert have stated that the meteorite could contain elements that give clues to the origins of life.