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How do you know he still loves you

The question of does he still loves me is one that can arise at any time in a relationship, there are signs for you to know if your guy still loves you



love language

Relationships can be difficult and rocky sometimes. Life can get in the way of perfectly good things, and breaking up for all the wrong reasons can make you regret ever coming to that decision

The question of “does he love you” or “does he still love me” is one that can arise at any time in a relationship. For most people reading this, it is probably closer to the start of your relationship.

The following signs I will look into in this article are mostly in regards to an ex but are also applicable to a guy you’re currently seeing, or maybe even married to.

Signs to know if your ex, current partner and your husband still loves you

1. He tries to get your attention

If you want to know if your ex, present guy and your husband still loves you, he will try every possible best to get your attention, it doesn’t matter if it will spark a positive or negative reaction, he just wants to feel some kind of connection with you. He does things like post things online, like photos of himself with other girls, or photos of him having a blast with his buddies.

2. He talks about your future together

A man that still loves his woman will always talk about the future together. Talking about your future transitions into planning to be in it, and voicing those hopes. It shows that he’s not afraid to think about you long-term, and even excited about the prospect

3. He shows you his vulnerable side.

One of the signs a man loves you is that he occasionally lets you see his vulnerability. He lets you in beyond the external barrier.

Though it is difficult for some men, a man who loves you becomes more and more likely to give you glimpses into this vulnerable core. This is likely to be a slow process, but when you see signs of him letting you in, it can be a great indication that love is blooming.

4. He Tries To Contact You Every Now And Then

This is one of the signs that he still loves, he will love to always get in touch with you, he will call and also text you using it as a reason to how you have been doing. He obviously does this because you are always on his mind, even if he does not want to admit it.

5. He’s still playful

A loving seasoned relationship still has plenty of moments of joy, and aren’t just reduced to two people living parallel to each other, though Old relationships sometimes have the reputation of being dusty or joyless. But If he’s still exhibiting those traits that charmed you in the beginning, it’s a sign that he still loves you

6. His interest in you is not solely sexual.

This is a big one. Does your significant other demonstrate to you that they are interested in what you offer beyond the bedroom?  Do the feelings and loving actions continue beyond that initial glow? Is there more to your relationship than the sexual?

Is your partner doing more than the minimum, or is he doing just enough to get you into bed?

These are questions worth examining. When love is truly present, the relationship is more than just a physical one, If he’s not doing just that, definitely he still loves you beyond what you imagine

7. He stays in touch with your friends and family

When he still staying in touch with your friends and family is a sign that he wants to stay in your life and he still loves you. it’s definitely possible he still wants to maintain that friendship, and him doing so is not necessarily because he wants a pipeline to you.

8. He makes you feel good about yourself.

A loving partner will not make you feel worse about yourself. He will not make you feel disrespected or unimportant.

How can you tell if he loves you? One way is to notice how he makes you feel. I’m not talking about flattery and feeling like a pampered princess. Does your partner make you feel like you are a person of value? Do you feel treasured? Do you feel respected?

He may not always make us feel amazing, or constantly feel our best, but overall, someone who loves us should make us feel worthy of love.

9. He wants you to feel cared for.

One thing a man that still loves you will always like to do is to see you always happy. This will means the world to you.

Does he clearly prioritize your needs, wants, and desires? Does he go out of his way to do things that will make you happy or make you feel safe? Does he try to make you laugh, to brighten your mood when you’re feeling down? Again, these can be subtle signs, but they often show a deeper love brewing within.

10. He put you first

One of the signs a man loves you is when he frequently puts you first. In fact, this may be one of the deepest signs he really loves you

It is truly an act of love and unselfishness to put the needs and happiness of another person first. This is something we should be doing in our relationships all the time, and truth be told, it can be very difficult

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