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10 funny Nigeria superstitious belief

10 Funny Superstitious Beliefs In Nigeria



10 funny Nigeria superstitious belief

Superstition is an “unreasonable or irrational or groundless awe, fear, notion or belief about something unknown, mysterious, or imaginary, especially in regard of religion; religious belief or practice based upon fear or ignorance; in the specific meaning

Nigerians are known to be very superstitious and most of these superstitions are very funny and seem interesting. Here are a few superstitions by different tribes in Nigeria

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1.Itching Palm

Earlier in the day, my palms were itching and subconsciously it clocked as “money is coming”, it is also said to be a sign of Goodluck

2.Coming down

A lot of Nigerians don’t like saying the word coming down especially when going down the stairs and someone asks them ‘are you going downstairs?’ and they reply ‘I am not going down in Jesus name I am going up’.. they see it as a negative word but virtually the person is actually going down the stairs.

3.Crossing legs

It is said that if you cross over a pregnant woman’s legs, you will give birth to a child that looks like the person. Another version is that you shouldn’t let anyone cross over your legs, if not you will give birth to a child with one arm or leg.

4.Using a broom to beat up someone

They also think that only witches are to be beaten up by brooms and not ordinary people, some people even believe if you beat someone with a broom, the person will give up the ghost


A lot of people believes If you have a sore throat, it is probably because you spit on the floor and someone stepped on it.

6.Ear tinnitus

This is another superstitious while people believe that when your ear is disturbed by noise, it seems someone is talking behind ur back

7.Whistling at night

Growing up under a highly superstitious parent you will receive beating if you can’t control your mouth, especially at night. as whistling they believe attracts evil spirits.

8.Sleeping face up

It is believed that sleeping face-up is the best position for spirits to have access to your body and soul.

9.Crossing someone

They also believe that when they cross someone usually a person lying down, the person’s body will cut off, and this can be reversed by the person lying down cross them in return.

10.Placing knives or cutlass at the door post

It is also believed that when they place knives or cutlasses at a doorpost it drives away evil spirits and witches.

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