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▷ Emma Coronel Biography ◁ Age, height, pack, couples, daughters



Who is Emma Coronel?

Emma Coronel Asipuro known only as Emma Coronel is a model and influencer best known for being the wife of Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán , drug trafficker and leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. Emma Coronel was born on July 2, 1989 in Santa Clara, California and after her wedding to El Chapo she had twin girls named María Joaquina and Emaly Guzmán Coronel.

Personal data of Emma Coronel

Full name:  Emma Coronel Asipuro
Best Known:  Emma Colonel
Date of Birth:  2 julio, 1989
Nationality:  American
From:  Santa Clara, Calif.
Zodiac sign:  Cancer
Occupation:  Model and influencer
Famous for:  Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s girlfriend
Fathers:  Estela Aispuro and Inés Coronel Barreras
Brothers:  Edgar, Ines Omar Coronel Aispuro
Sons:  María Joaquina and Emaly Guzmán Coronel
Height:  1.70 cm
Weight:  59 kg
Raza:  Latina
Eye color:  Café
Skin color:  Blanca
Hair color:  Café
Sexual preference:  Heterosexual

Biography of Emma Coronel

Beginnings in the life of Emma Coronel

Emma Coronel Asipuro , better known as Emma Coronel ; She was born in Santa Clara, near San Francisco, in California, United States, on July 2, 1989. Her parents are Inés Coronel Barreras and Blanca Estela Aispuro Aispuro. She has both American nationality by birth and Mexican nationality, as she grew up in Angostura, a town in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. There are those who say that her father, Inés Coronel, was for a time in charge of transporting marijuana for the Sinaloa cartel to Arizona.

Trajectory and history of Emma Colonel

From a very early age, Emma Coronel  participated in beauty pageants, and in 2006, at just 17 years of age, she was awarded the crown of Canelas, a city located in the state of Durango.

It was also in this same year that he met drug trafficker Joaquín Guzmán Loera, better known as “El Chapo” Guzmán , head of the famous Sinaloa cartel. Some sources from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the highest authority in the fight against drug trafficking in the United States of America, have assured that Emma Coronel has ties to drug trafficking since she was little.

This is not surprising if we remember his father’s job as a marijuana transporter. This being perhaps one of the reasons (if not the main one) why the family moved to Mexican lands when  Emma Coronel was just a girl. In this way, the fame that Emma Coronel  has increased has always been linked to drug trafficking; and this is how she has had an itinerant life between Mexico and the United States.

However, unlike the wives of other drug trafficking leaders, Emma Coronel broke a rule that all women in drug trafficking follow, and that is to lead a discreet life and remain anonymous. Perhaps influenced by her artistic nature, taking a celebrity attitude that has made her transcend the role of a model and have an international fame that up to now no other woman related to a drug trafficker has had.

This has been a double-edged sword for her, on the one hand it generates admiration and even television series. While on the other,  Emma Coronel has also faced charges and accusations by both the Mexican and North American governments.

Here we have to express the concern of the members of the Sinaloa cartel and the immediate family of Emma Coronel  for their safety. Since in various interviews they have assured the media that they were afraid that an enemy cartel would harm her, or that she would even become a main search object for the Mexican government.

However, there are positions that affirm that this attitude on the part of Emma Coronel has more to do with her love life with Joaquín Guzmán, upon learning of his infidelities, than with an irrepressible desire to risk her life for her love of the fame and modeling.

Thus, we have testimonies that confirm how  Emma Coronel was present at her husband’s trials in the United States, where she heard other women speak out, how they participated in the different escapes of Joaquín Guzmán. They always describe her with a smile, but a look in whose eyes pain and jealousy of her were reflected, and a deep resentment towards her husband for that long love life of hers.

It is because of this pain that these sources assure,  Emma Coronel wants to make Joaquín Guzmán see what he is missing, and how far he can go with his natural beauty, which was finally the cause that made the head of the Sinaloa cartel fall at her feet when she was just a 17-year-old girl.

In recent times, and despite the accusations she faces, Emma Coronel  has worked as an influencer on the Instagram social network, and has the name or artistic nickname of the “Kardashian from Sinaloa” ; she always showing herself surrounded by luxuries, wearing high-value jewelry, with exclusive designer clothes and expensive cars.

In addition to also showing his purchasing power at family celebrations, such as his daughters’ birthday party, for which in 2018 he spent a sum of just over $24,000 on a complete Barbie decoration.

Boyfriends and husband of Emma Coronel

Emma Coronel and Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman

Emma Coronel has assured in various interviews that her well-known relationship with the head of the Sinaloa cartel , despite the fact that he is 32 years older than her, is “true love .” And she has assured that Joaquín Guzmán won her affections because of the way he treated her when they met, saying that he has a particular way of being that makes him win people over quickly.

Shortly after she won that beauty pageant that undoubtedly boosted her career as a model, her wedding with El Chapo was celebrated on July 2, 2007, when she reached the age of majority in Mexico: 18 years old. Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán and Emma Coronel were married in church , with only close relatives attending the wedding. Perhaps for Emma Coronel, then only 18 years old and still a teenager, it was the beginning of a promising love life; Not so for the head of the Sinaloa cartel, for whom this wedding already represented her fourth marriage.

It is known that she studied journalism at a time in her life that she has described with the words “relatively normal”; However, everything would change in 2011, when the fruit of her union with Joaquín Guzmán came into the world: the twins María Joaquina and Emali Guadalupe. At that time,  Emma Coronel was living in Lancaster, California, and she refused to give her father’s name on her birth certificate, since at that time the United States government offered five million dollars for Joaquin Guzman’s head.

Being aware of the situation,  Emma Coronel does not see her husband and great love more than from time to time, considering that things are going “more or less normal”. And she immediately realizes that she must handle the image of her in front of public opinion very well, which is why she assures that she has never seen him with weapons, much less with drugs.

In his words, Joaquín never told him that his work had to do with drugs, and he also describes him as a man who doesn’t notice problems. However, this opinion does not agree with the image that the DEA investigators have of her, for whom Emma Coronel is fully aware of the operation of the Sinaloa cartel, and is also involved in the sale of drugs in the United States; particularly with the marijuana, heroin and cocaine trade. On the other hand, it is understood that in her role as a mother, she wants to protect her daughters from the DEA accusations against her father.

A special collaboration has been attributed to him in the escape of Joaquín Guzmán in 2015, where the drug trafficker managed to escape from jail thanks to an opening in the shower of his cell in that high-security prison.

There are accusations that  Emma Coronel paid a large sum of dollars to bribe the authorities and that her husband’s escape was possible. In addition to that, she pressured the Mexican government to improve conditions in the prison where Chapo Guzmán would be held.

He has also been linked to another recent escape attempt for Chapo Guzmán, before his capture and extradition to the United States. The media describe Emma Coronel as a woman who always arrives with a lot of presence at the Court in the United States for the trials of her husband, and who defines herself as a good human being who would never hurt anyone. nobody intentionally. She said these words about herself without showing any remorse when she was accused of planning her possible escape with Joaquín Guzmán’s children.

He has even come to exchange smiles with actors who have played Chapo Guzmán in television series, such is the case of Alejandro Edda. He has also been seen giving out sweets and crackers to reporters, and even wanted his daughters to be present for the sixth week of his father’s trial in the United States.

She is currently being held in the William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center in Alexandria, United States, isolated and without luxuries, where she is not allowed to bathe daily or see her daughters. She is in this prison where she faces a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of life in prison for the crime of drug trafficking.

Pack the Emma Coronel

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Emma Coronel pack or photos in which she can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Emma Coronel pack other than those photos that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is Emma Coronel’s fortune?

This is one of the questions that people ask themselves the most about Emma Coronel and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Emma Coronel within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent they have and what they have done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Emma Coronel will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around her, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have in life, career, story and biography of Emma Coronel.
