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▷ Biography of Joaquín Bondoni ◁ Age, height, Pack, boyfriends, Gay



Who is Joaquin Bondoni?

Joaquín Bondoni Gress was born on May 8, 2003; he is a Mexican actor, son of the also actor Uberto Bondoni and Elizabeth Gress ; Initially he was best known for playing the role of Cuauhtémoc “Temo” López in My husband has more family and Together the heart is never wrong , but especially for their supposed relationship that jumped from fiction to reality named ” Aristemo “; a gay relationship that he had with Emilio Osorio Marcos.

Personal data of Joaquín Bondoni

Full name:  Joaquín Bondoni Gress
Best Known:  Joaquin Bondoni
Date of Birth  8 / Mayo / 2003
Nationality:  Mexican
Zodiac sign:  Taurus
Occupation:  Actor
Fathers:  Uberto Bondoni and Elizabeth Gress
Height:  1.67 cm
Weight:  56 Kg
Raza:  Latino
Eye color:  Café
Skin color:  Moreno
Hair color:  Light brown
Sexual Preference:  Homosexual

Biography of Joaquin Bondoni

Beginnings in the life of Joaquín Bondoni

The now famous actor and singer Joaquín Bondoni He began his acting studies at the Center for Artistic Education in Mexico City, being one of the great promises among the young people of his class and not precisely because he had “levers” but because his acting talent began to surface and stood out from the others. He made his debut in 2010 participating in Televisa series such as La Rosa de Guadalupe, As the saying goes, Neither with you nor without you and in the telenovela La piloto although with roles that did not attract much attention and went largely unnoticed.

Trajectory and history of Joaquín Bondoni

Undoubtedly, the great success of Joaquín Bondoni would occur in 2018, he joined the second season of the telenovela My husband has a family where he shared credits with Arath de la torre and Emilio Osorio and plays the role of Cuauhtémoc “Temo” López , a young protective and with a secret that many identify with, he is gay . Biography of Joaquin Bondoni

The television series began to generate great interest in Joaquín Bondoni and Emilio Osorio because together they were living a gay relationship within a conservative soap opera and even more so on a television station that was twice as moralistic, so it was quite an event that they allowed it to be talked about and will address a gay theme within prime time on Mexican television. The success of this relationship was so great that their fans called them “ Aristemo ”, a name that arose from the combination of their two names, Aristóteles Córcega and Cuauhtémoc ‘Temo’ López. As if that were not enough, the original plot of the series went into the background and no one was talking about the series “My husband has a family” but about ” Aristemo “.

The story of ‘Aristóteles Córcega’ and ‘Cuauhtémoc López’ was so successful nationally and internationally that a play and a spin-off were released from it. In 2019, the series Juntos el corazón is never wrong was released, where the same character Cuauhtémoc “Temo” López is once again played and again shares credits with Emilio Osorio, also that same year three songs sung by him were released on digital platforms in collaboration with the actor Emilio Osorio  although Joaquín BondoniHe did not participate much because he really does not know a singer and practically all the songs were sung by Emilio Osorio, although there was also a rumor that it was because the producer of the album and the series was Emilio’s father and had more favoritism towards him, obviously.

Aristemo reached one of the most emotional moments in his story, when in the final chapter of the first season of Together the heart is never wrong, ‘Ari’ proposed to ‘Temo’. This event, according to experts, became a watershed in the history of open Mexican television and especially for the career of Joaquín Bondoni . ‘Ari’ says words of love to ‘Temo’ and gives her an engagement ring made of wood. The moment, intimate and full of romanticism, represents a great step for the Mexican television industry in terms of the representation of sexual diversity. Biography of Joaquin Bondoni

“What happens in Together the heart is never wrong is historic. We had never seen a man propose to another on open national television, on prime time, much less on a frequency like Las Estrellas. In addition, they are handling it perfectly well, they are doing it in a clear, honest, popular way, exactly as they should do it”, expressed the television critic Álvaro Cueva, giving it a great success for  Joaquín Bondoni.

Joaquin Bondoni was harshly questioned at the same time as the broadcast of his soap opera series if he was really gay and his acting participation playing a homosexual was not fiction but a reality. Joaquín did not affirm or deny it, but he assured that he would not say anything because that belongs to his personal life. “Well, people start to put things and things, but I think it’s magic, right? People start to notice little things, but I haven’t yet… The truth is I have nothing to say, this is personal and Well, you have to be dividing what is personal and what is a public figure, so you have to leave it here “. Certainly many took these words as an affirmation of his homosexuality since it would have been easier to say a simple “No” than to give an entire explanation. But then it was finally confirmed that  Joaquín Bondoni is gay.

Emilio Osorio and Joaquín Bondoni, who played the popular Aristemo couple, won the Best Series in Spanish award in New York that the GLAAD Awards awarded to My husband has more family, thanks to the good management of the representation of the LGTBQ community on Spanish-speaking television. 

The video circulates in networks where Bondoni cannot contain the tears of happiness while Osorio hugs him when he learns that they became the best gay couple on television. “We win people! We won! This is yours!” One of Joaquín’s most notorious scandals is when he was seen wearing very tight clothes and a woman’s top that showed off his well-worked abdomen. Many people saw him with bad eyes because it is not normal to see a 16-year-old wearing women’s clothes, but Joaquín was not really affected by the criticism and he continued with his life. 

At the end of 2019, the actor had a commitment to unveil the commemorative plaque for the number of performances that the Cinderella play has performed in Mexico. “Hi guys, how are you? I want to apologize for what happened tonight. Unfortunately I was no longer able to attend the “Cinderella” plaque unveiling. I just want to say thank you to all the people who came and for the support. I am very sorry, but I promise that we will see each other soon ,” said Joaquín with a broken voice.

Later, the actor Joaquín Bondoni premiered a play alongside Mauricio Islas, ‘ Distorción ‘ which premiered on October 31, November 1, 7 and 8 at the Tepeyac Theater, with all the necessary sanitary measures to At that time the coronavirus pandemic was still strong.

In mid-2021  Joaquín Bondoni drew a lot of attention when he claimed to be an intergalactic boy and did not define himself as male or female but simply himself, a phrase that could have been taken unimportant but it was when Galilea Montijo took up the note again . on the Hoy program and said: “Pass me that blouse” , referring to Bondoni’s outfit, later the cast began to discuss the statements that the actor had made about his sexual identity, where he expressed that he did not identify with his body and that it does not have a gender, but as if that were not enough, the host said that Joaquín BondoniIt seemed Reptilian, which caused a whole media scandal where Joaquín Bondoni ‘s father came out to defend him and even Niurka got involved.

Joaquin Bondoni boyfriends

Joaquin Bondoni and Emily Osorio


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Much was said about whether the relationship that these two young children had (because when they recorded their series they were 16 years old) was real, since many of their fans were sure that they had certain approaches between them off camera that are common in real love relationships. and not fiction, really to date it has not been verified because both, either for better or for worse, have denied such accusations. The rumor was fueled when Emilio Osorio MarcosHe ended up with his girlfriend in the middle of recording Together the heart is never wrong, apparently because of the jealousy they gave her when she saw her boyfriend kiss another boy. However, after finishing the series, both took different paths and it was finally confirmed that there was never any relationship between Joaquín Bondoni and Emilio Osorio and it was all a simple wishful dream of all their fans who wanted to see them together. 

Pack by Joaquín Bondoni

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Joaquín Bondoni pack or photos in which they can be seen scantily clad or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Joaquín Bondoni pack other than those photos. that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is Joaquín Bondoni’s fortune?

This is one of the questions that people ask themselves the most about Joaquín Bondoni and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know, I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Joaquín Bondoni within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent he has and what he has done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.
