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Why Men love Women With Big Butts

Women with Big butts has always been the preferential choice for Men since Adam, which is why celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj Beyonce have always been on our screen for decades. Here is why men love Women With Big butts



Why Men love Women With Big Butts

Even as a member of the Ass Men Association, I can’t confidently state the exact reason why men love women with big butts. Some say it is because big booties are soft therefore they can serve as a pillow, hand warmer, or just something squishy and fun to play with, Others say it is very appealing to the eyes.

Women with big butts has always been the preferential choice for Men since Adam, which is why celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj Beyonce have always been on our screen for decades.

They are several personal reasons why men love women with big butts,  however, according to a research in 2016, Men have preferred women with big butts because they believed it increased their chances of having children who would live long enough to pass on their DNA.

According to the lead researcher Dr. David Lewis, our ancestors also developed a sexual attraction to women with big because back then big buttswas an indicator of female maturity – a sign that she is of childbearing age and therefore can be considered as a sexual partner.

Supporting Dr. Lewis’s claim is a research from 2014, that stated that women with larger waist-to-hip ratios had higher levels of the hormone needed to get pregnant, and therefore possessed increased chances of fertility. The researchers also noted that it was believed back then that big butts makes childbearing easier and safer.

Another study found an association between big butts and intelligence, presenting evidence that women with a big butts were not only more intelligent themselves, but also gave birth to more intelligent children.

However some people believe Men love for big Booties are just a product of cultural beauty standards, but there is lots of evidence to suggest that there is a scientific logic behind it. So as earlier stated they are several reasons why men love women with big butts so it boils down to personal choices and preferences.
