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When a lady likes you she will show you these 5 signs always

When a lady likes you, it will be expressed through her body language. She may not say anything, but her body language will show it. No dull, here are 5 signs a lady will show when she likes you.



When a lady likes you she will show you these 5 signs always

When a lady likes you, it will be expressed through her body language. She may not say anything, but her body language will show it. In this article, we will discuss 5 signs a lady will show when she likes you.

Although, men are expected to make the overt first move like saying hello, striking up a conversation, asking a woman out on a date, etc. But women in fact typically initiate this contact by subtly providing cues that such contact is welcome. In other words, women decide if and when men can initiate romantic advances.

1. She asks you a lot of questions

One great sign a lady is probably interested in know more about you is by asking a lot of questions; a guy must take note that it is very easy for gals to extrapolate questions from a guy they love.

2 she teases you a lot

Do you notice she jokingly make fun of you?

It may seem like a tactic straight from the elementary school playground, but it’s not just kids who use playful teasing to demonstrate that they like someone.

The theory goes that teasing is a low-risk way to escalate the intimacy of a conversation, as it allows two people to get into personal territory while still keeping things on the lighter side. So, take note: if a woman is ribbing you about your football team, or tickling you, chances are she likes you.

3. You often see that she’s typing (then deleting) a message

Most iPhone users in relationships know the score. You’re messaging back and forth with someone and, every time, three dots appear and disappear before their message finally arrives.

Other messaging services might instead display a note that the sender is typing, but the principle is the same: if she’s taking an awfully long time to compose cute little messages, it’s very probably because she wants them to be perfect. And that’s a great sign she likes you.

4. Tells her friends about you

Know this, if she’s enamoured with you, her pals have heard every last detail about you. It is up to you to play the part wisely, composed and be yourself among her friends.

5. She remembers your interests and follows up

If a woman is regularly texting or messaging you, it’s one of the signs she likes you – especially if she initiates these texting sessions as much as you do, and fleshes her message out with fun, flirty emojis. There are extra bonus points to be had if these messages are bolstered with videos or links that connect to something you love. This means that not only is she thinking about you, but she has also taken the time to remember your interests.

However, the above 5 signs a lady likes you are general indicators that a woman is into you. It’s also vital to remember that all women are different and that therefore, there can’t ever be a 100% definitive list of signs she likes you.

To really know the truth, you have to bite the bullet and straight-up ask her out. If she says yes happily and speedily then it’s a great sign your feelings are reciprocated.

Congratulations – and happy dating!

Oh, you are a lady right! I’ve got something for you too. Check this out: How do you know he still loves you?

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