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What unhealthy drinks should be avoided? Check out these 7 bad guys



When you need to quench your thirst and at the same time you feel famished, the plain water is not enough. And if you’re health conscious and have read regularly about the ill effects of processed drinks, don’t reach for a bottle of juice that actually contains nothing more than sugar or a can of carbonated diet soda.

Of course you know what’s good for you and there are tons of healthy alternatives on the market. And some of the healthy drinks taste great too. But, wait a minute, do you think any other alternative is healthy? Are you sure? Years ago, the packaged fruit juices were considered healthy and were considered the best health drink.

You can’t always believe what advertisers say about a particular product. The label “healthy” and “all natural” doesn’t mean exactly what you think it means. So you need to know exactly what certain things on the product’s packaging label mean. Only by educating yourself and being aware of the ingredients that companies often use in so-called “healthy drinks” can you make the right decision.

We cannot give you detailed information about the ingredients on the package label. However, we will give you a brief introduction to the seven unhealthy drinks you may be consuming without realizing their ill effects.

  • Almond milk

Almond milk has gained significant notoriety as a good alternative for those who do not drink cow’s milk, either due to health issues or lifestyle choices. The clear, creamy texture and nutty flavor have won over many loyal admirers. It’s affordable, makes excellent smoothies, and is perfect for those who have dairy allergies. In addition, it contains an abundance of health-friendly minerals such as potassium, manganese, magnesium, vitamin E, copper and selenium. It also contains as much calcium and vitamin D as milk. And if you’re on a restricted diet, this has the fewest number of calories compared to other non-dairy alternatives.

However, almond milk is just as perfect as advertisers, and the companies with vested interests make it out to be? First, almond milk is not entirely free from allergies. People with a tree nut allergy can experience a variety of symptoms ranging from mild hives symptoms with red itching on the skin to severe difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness. Almond milk products are also a rich source of the chemical tyrosine, which, while good for your health, can in some select cases affect your overall well-being. Researchers found that this particular chemical can make migraines worse. So if you already suffer from migraines, almond milk may not be for you. It is also known

And it’s not like the almond milk is perfect other cases. Yes, manufacturers fortify almond milk to match the calcium and vitamin D content of dairy products. However, it has been found that people absorb the nutrients in milk and dairy products better than they do in plant-based milk. Despite having the same nutritional content, almond milk does not offer the same benefits as milk.

Also, almond milk is less nutritious and healthy than eating almonds. Almond milk is about two percent real almonds, which means it lacks most of the healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals that you get from eating the nuts in their solid form. To make it delicious and sweeten it, some almond milks have added sugar. So you are burdened with extra and unnecessary calories. As if that wasn’t enough, some commercial almond milk brands most likely add thickeners as well. Most thickeners come with their own set of health issues. For example, carrageenan, which is most commonly used, is a type of polysaccharide derived from red algae and can cause digestive problems characterized by excess gas, bloating,

  • Zero Calorie Drink

People have fretted about the adverse benefits of regular Coke. Instead, they usually opt for zero-calorie drinks or drink mixes, which advertisers say have no side effects. These mixes are usually available in small packets of powders that you can add to water to make them taste like juice, or you can buy pre-flavored drinks that are available in cans and bottles at grocery stores. But Diet Coke saves 140 calories you’d otherwise find in sugary soft drinks while satisfying your cravings for something sweet that’s good for your health?

The answer is no. There’s more to the Diet Coke that catches your eye. Indeed much more. First, the artificial sweeteners used in zero-calorie drinks have a more intense flavor than the real sugar, and drinks like diet soda dull your sensitivity to naturally sweet foods like fruit over time. To make matters worse, these sugar substitutes have the same effect on the body as sugar. They trigger insulin, which puts your body into fat storage mode and leads to weight gain.

And the zero-calorie aspect can’t fool your body, it’s smarter than that. When your body senses that something sweet has been consumed, it anticipates calories. And when your zero calorie drink isn’t providing any calories, your body becomes confused and increases calorie needs by releasing hunger hormones. This leaves you craving high-calorie and mostly unhealthy foods like fries, crackers, cookies, burgers and anything that would be bad news for your waistline.

  • Energy-Drinks

Often when you need a boost of energy, whether to compensate for sleep or to get through crazy things that need extra attention and energy, you reach for a can of Red Bull, Rockstar or Monster. The ardent energy drink fans believe that such drinks combine the best of sugar and caffeine.

Well, although energy drinks still give you a nice, short-term boost of energy, but sooner or later you’re going to suffer a depressing crash, if not from the caffeine content then definitely from the high sugar content. Not to forget the negative effects of the high sugar content in energy drinks. And you’ve already read that the zero-calorie drinks aren’t as good as they’re made out to be.

Studies have also shown that regular consumption of energy drinks can lead to increased anxiety and, in extreme cases, panic attacks. Research conducted by the University of Chicago Institute of Psychiatry found that drinking caffeinated beverages can trigger adenosine receptors, thereby increasing anxiety.

Plus, the energy drinks have the ability to leave you sleepless for too long. Granted, it’s a great option if you want to protect yourself from sleep during the day. However, if you drink too many energy drinks, too many sheep will be counted at night. Also, you may become addicted to the energy boosters, which means that without energy drinks your body will not function properly and will take a heavy toll on your health and wallet.

  • sports drinks

Athletes, professional bodybuilders, and people who exercise addicts often rely on sports drinks like Gatorade to sustain their efforts. In fact, such drinks are considered the best option to rehydrate and replenish depleted minerals and electrolytes. But are such drinks really the best option? And are they as good as the advertisers claim?

The answer is no. The truth is that most sports drinks contain high fructose corn syrup, too much sodium, and almost as much sugar as soda. It’s important to note that eating sugar after a workout can negatively impact both insulin sensitivity and human growth hormone (HGH) production. Similar to the energy drinks, the sports drinks can provide a brief burst of energy, which is usually followed by the mind-blowing crash.

Unless you get strenuous and perform prolonged physical activity and stop sweating buckets, you probably don’t need sports drinks. The clear water is perfect for those looking to exercise for an hour. When jogging in the park, consider adding a small amount of natural, unprocessed sea salt to your water. The natural salt contains 84 different minerals and trace elements that your body needs to function optimally.

Another excellent option to consider when competing in a marathon or long-distance bike race is coconut water. Coconut water is one of the highest natural sources of electrolytes.

  • Coffee

In a way, everyone knows that their favorite coffee is bad for their health. But that hasn’t stopped millions from sipping their favorite Starbucks coffee first thing in the morning. In fact, people often tend to substitute calories for real foods, which they get from creamy and sugary lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos.

Consider that you’re consuming 800 calories, which isn’t doing your body any good. Those calories are completely useless without any benefit. These coffee drinks are loaded with saturated fat from cream-based ingredients, as well as sugary syrups and flavors that have no nutritional value. And let’s not forget the energy crash you suffer when you’re in the middle of a team meeting or preparing that most important report for the presentation.

Get your morning calories from real foods with excellent nutritional value. Consume protein, complex carbohydrates and some fiber. The ideal example of a quick breakfast is a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and an apple or a bowl of oatmeal with nuts and some berries.

  • Fresh fruit juice

It is common belief that freshly squeezed juice is a healthy start to the day. Especially when you consider that homemade juice contains no sugar, preservatives, or other unhealthy ingredients that are typically found in the variety of processed juices. In addition, the key nutrients in the juice are not destroyed in the preservation and processing that is a hallmark of processed foods.

However, there is a problem with freshly squeezed juice and that is that you are missing out on valuable fiber, which makes fruit a wonderful addition to the daily diet. The presence of fiber means you stay full longer. If you take these out of the equation, you are vulnerable to blood sugar spikes that occur from consuming far too sweet content. Of course you’re getting vitamins and minerals with fresh juice, but without the presence of fiber to offset the effects of too much sugar, it ends up being more bad than good.

Instead of juicing, consume the whole fruit as is. In this way, in addition to a dose of essential vitamins and minerals, you also get a steady supply of dietary fiber, which can help with weight loss, among other things. Another option is to make delicious and healthy smoothies. Add whole fruits and veggies to the blender with other healthy ingredients and you have a great drink ready.

  • vitamin water

The vitamin water is another fad that is taking the world by storm. After all, it added vitamins, how can it not be healthy? That’s exactly what the marketing and advertising agencies are saying. In reality, however, all the goodness of the added vitamins is destroyed by the presence of other junk normally found in processed beverages. For example, a bottle of vitamin water contains 33 grams of sugar, more than you get from the average can of soda. If you eat a balanced and healthy diet, you do not need any supplements to get essential vitamins.
