What is Zodiac Signs and Their Symbols
Want to know and learn about zodiac signs or the zodiac signs of others and what your personality trait may be with respect to what you can learn about yourself or what you can fix, then this article is for you!

Do you believe in Zodiac signs? would you want to know more about the Zodiac signs and what yours maybe? If the answer is probably yes! then this article is for you. Every human is born under a particular zodiac window. As difficult as it is for some to believe, the zodiac says a lot about us, ranging from how we behave or behavioral and characteristic traits as well as many other things that lie embedded in our zodiac signs.
Additionally, most of the time the zodiac sign has been proven to be right about so many things and so many people, well for some who don’t believe, they can still find a kind of trait that is associated with their astrological date or sign.
Meanwhile, it is not as though, our lives as humans are determined by these signs, whatever you do believes in drives your life but even to some degree, it has been proven that personality traits related to your zodiac signs are true though a free being to make wills of his own and decide how his life will be, human may not be predicted fully based on astrological signs but the zodiac signs can actually help to aware of our worst tendencies can help us learn to keep from acting on our impulses.
Meaning of Zodiac Sign
Zodiac is gotten from the Latin word “zōdiacus” which was translated from the Ancient Greek word “zōdiakòs kýklos” which the ancient Greek called the circle of animals or circle of little animals” because most of the constellations through which the ecliptic passes represent animals. The zodiac is an astronomical belt-shaped region in the sky or band of the sky where the Sun, Moon, and nine planets revolve.
The ecliptic is the visible trajectory of the Sun as it moves across the celestial sphere throughout the year. It represents the apparent path of the Sun in relation to the stars. Within this path, known as the zodiac, we find the orbital paths of the Moon and the major planets. The zodiac acts as a celestial belt that encompasses the Sun’s journey and the paths of these celestial bodies. Zodiac represents the position of the sun when you are born
The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Symbols
1. Aries – March 21 to April 19
Zodiac Symbol: Ram
Zodiac Element: Fire
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac as it takes the first 30 degrees of heaven’s longitude, this happens when the sun reaches the March equinox, which is on March 21 that extends to more than the first half of April. The star sign resembles a ram and it is ruled by the planet Mars which has such a great influence on it. Additionally, the zodiac sign of this star is Fire as it is red in color, and anyone born during this period can be referred to as Ariens.
Furthermore, it is believed that people born under this star, within this period have creative minds, they are also natural drivers and can be amazing leaders because of their positive energy they can easily influence and affect people and lives around them, likewise because of all this they also feel the need to be noticed.
2. Taurus – April 20 to May 20
Zodiac Symbol: Bull
Zodiac Element: Earth
As the second zodiac sign in the celestial ring, Taurus is represented by a horned bull that spans from 30 to 60 degrees. Meanwhile, Taurus usually begins the spring which is known as the first contact of Aries and although it takes complete 30 days to be in this position it can also leap into the 21st of May. In times past it was known as the “Great Bull of Heaven” and many ancient traditions worship this constellation and even made statues depicting the shape of the stars in Taurus.
Additionally, due to the season and nature of these stars, it has a fixed modality, what this means is that people born within this period are “resistant to change, have great willpower, inflexible” and also because it has a feminine and negative polarity, they are practical, caution, have a hold on the material world, emotional, empathy, and can be very sensitive all this are present in the signs with the negative polarities just like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Out of the there earth signs which are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, Taurus has a fixed modality most people born under the zodiac sign of Taurus work hard to achieve their goals even though it may be very difficult, they are also ambitious, they can be the people’s persons. Also, they are extremely dependable and have the strength to maintain intimate relationships with people. Aside from having a strong knowledge of the world around them and their histories they also have amazing taste, which means they know the best restaurants, drinks, movies, concerts, art exhibits, and fashion and have a great loyalty meter.
3. Gemini – May 21 to June 20
Zodiac Symbol: Twins
Zodiac Element: Air
Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac belt with the planet Mercury being the sign ruler and it takes from 61 to 90 degrees of the earth total of 360 degrees. The star sign is represented by twins Castor and Pollux from the Greek methodology as these are the brightest stars in this constellation while the shape of the star link looks like a twin.
Meanwhile, there are a lot of mythological and astrological sayings about the stars being a cruel sign due to their twin nature, but people who are born in this period have most times proven otherwise, like the likes of, Tom Holland, Natalie Portman, Colin Farrell, Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana, Naomi Campbell, Venus Williams, and Angelina Jolie. Well, sometimes, that may be proven otherwise as some others who are born in these stars can be really, you know!
But nevertheless, the majority of individuals who are born under this zodiac sign are very attractive, intelligent, and super smart, they love to meet people and socialize, and they are the ones you would call social butterflies. Also, they can be very curious and are fun to be with. Additionally, you must know that this set of people always analyzes their environment and every word spoken at them or to them. Though they may be labeled as dua face or two personalities, they are actually one of the most genuine, sincere, and self-expressive signs among the twelve.
4. Cancer – June 21 to July 22
Zodiac Symbol: Crab
Zodiac Element: Water
Taking up from 90 to 120 degrees the fourth zodiac sign is always represented by the crap sign and other times represented as a lobster or a crayfish and the Cancer sign defines the position at which the earth is facing the sun in relation to the zodiac sign and the ruling planet, that is the planet that has a stronghold on the sign at that time that the sun revolves around the constellations.
People born under this star due to the name of the sign which is synonymous with the disease of the same name, are called moon children since the moon is the ruling planet over this zodiac sign. The personality traits of individuals who have their birth under these stars are known to be very loving, benevolent, and loyal, and definitely will excel in any field where they have to deal with the well-being of people because they are natural caregivers.
Although they can be moody sometimes because emotions run high among this set of people and it may become even more difficult for people to understand them and can easily boost their feeling and lash out at anyone because they have been bottling it up for a while.
5. Leo – July 23 to August 22
Zodiac Symbol: Lion
Zodiac Element: Fire
Leo sign is represented by a lion, this sign is one of the most important in the zodiac and spans from 120 to 150 degrees of the astronomical coordinate system. Likewise, just as Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius, Leo has a fixed modality, which means individuals born under this sign are “resistance to change, have great willpower, and are inflexible”
Furthermore, people with Leo zodiac signs have great assertion, drive, and willpower, you can easily know someone who is who belongs to this group of people by the way they coordinate and carry themselves. Leo signs signify power and royalty. they are one of the most lovable people in the world, they are charismatic and bright. Also, they make sure a fine leader as they are born leaders and easily get along with people, it comes naturally.
6. Virgo – August 23 to September 22
Zodiac Symbol: The Virgin (Maiden)
Zodiac Element: Earth
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and it is mostly represented as a virgin or a maiden, well in different mythologies the origin of the sign differs but they all have something in common which is the representation of the “Virgin” being the origin of the constellation. The zodiac covers from the 150–180th degree of the astronomical belt. Additionally, Virgo is one of the three earth signs which defines its importance and the planet Mercury is the ruling planet of this sign whereby the sun moves around this area between August 23 to September 22.
Furthermore, people who are born under this constellation are considered to be very hardworking and very organized, the Virgo sign is the most hardworking sign in the zodiac, likewise most times they are also considered perfectionists and this compiled their problem as they are always worried about many things always looking the best and most perfect way to things and this can have a great effect on them and most especially those who are closest to them.
7. Libra – September 23 to October 22
Zodiac Symbol: Scales
Zodiac Element: Air
The Libra sign is represented by scales which also symbolize justice and modalities. Libra is one of the astrological signs of the zodiac and the only sign that is represented by an object while the remaining eleven are either represented by an animal or a myth character as well as it is the signs that balance everything. In this period when the sun transit in this constellation region, everything is set to be in balance which means that the seasons are balanced, that is both the hours of the day and the hours of the night match each other.
The trait of this sign in the individuals that are born under these stars includes, the ability to resolve issues more quickly than it took to begin in the first place, they are also the biggest people’s persons ever and they can easily use their charm to get nearly everything done. They are extroverts and well-mannered people, clever, and can also easily get deceived because of their jovial nature. Additionally, because the sign is codependent, they are always eager to be with someone and gets worked out if their feeling is not reciprocal.
8. Scorpio – October 23 to November 21
Zodiac Symbol: Scorpion
Zodiac Element: Water
Scorpio is the eighth zodiac sign and it spans from 210–240th degrees which is between September 23 to October 22 it is one of the four signs with a fixed modality and is represented by a scorpion symbol and water as its element. The ruling planet is Pluto and it has a negative polarity that means anyone born under this sign can have this trait, runs on high emotion, has massive empathy, and can be very sensitive.
Additionally, the Scorpionic do have amazing traits which range from hardworking to being highly determined, and highly intuitive, and can easily build trust, especially with close acquaintances. Well, as sweet as they can be sometimes, you do not want to get on the other side of this kind of people, they can be very angry when you make them be and be very jealous as well. In addition, they desire to be in control wherever they are found, well, most of them and can you find them making plans and scheming to achieve their aims.
9. Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21
Zodiac Symbol: Archer ( Bow and Arrow)
Zodiac Element: Fire
Sagittarius is the trinity of the fire element, it has its origin embedded in Greek mythology, and although it can be represented by a bow and arrow the symbol actually draws its origin from Chiron, the Greek mythology who is considered to be half-human and half-horse. Well, the stars hold much meaning one of which is based on the fact that the bow and arrow, and not the creation holding it. It is believed that Sagittarius (Chiron) who is the wisest among his brother never misses his shot, and always hits his target, well this depiction translates to the power of prophecy, which claims that seers and prophets are born in this sign.
Furthermore, people born under this sign are believed to always be in constant motion, always driven to want to know more, they can also be quite impatient, have great imaginations, always dreamy, you can call them the dreamers. And due to their vast understanding and endless pursuit of knowledge wherever they find themselves, they always have people on edge waiting to hear what they have to say. Additionally to all this, they are a witty set of people, who are bold and set out to do something with all that boldness and they do it.
10. Capricorn – December 22 to January 19
Zodiac Symbol: Sea Goat
Zodiac Element: Earth
Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign and it is represented by the sea goat or the horned goat it is one of the four cardinal signs which includes, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn itself. Just like Taurus and Virgo, it is the last head of the trinity of the earth sign, and just like the rest of the zodiac signs what draws their degrees from the ecliptic route, Capricon spans from 270 to 300 degrees in the zodiac and the ruling planet is Saturn.
There are many celebrities among this set of people and their trait range from being firm and practical people to law-abiding citizens. Capricorn people are fantastic leaders and very good at taking initiative as well as being very meticulous, disciplined, and dedicated. Among many things that Capricorns are known for is setting a goal and setting out to achieve them which means they work and work, all work and no play.
Well, Capricorns can be very aggressive if anything or anyone gets in their way or distort or try to distort their plan and workflow, advise!, don’t tell a Capricorn to stop working or mess with their plans, remember they can be very meticulous, having a plan for an event of 10-20 years in the present.
11. Aquarius – January 20 to February 18
Zodiac Symbol: Water-Bearer
Zodiac Element: Air
Aquarius is the last of the air sign with a fixed modality which is the way or mode in which something exists or is done and some of these modalities can be resistance to change, great willpower, and inflexible among others, these are things about Aquarius that can not be changed. Although the Aquarius originated from the constellation Aquarius, it is believed that the zodiac symbol originate from Ganymede who was a water-bearer in Greek methodology. It spans from 300 to 330 degrees which are from January 20 to February 18.
The likes of people that fell under this zodiac sign are creative thinkers and most times can find themselves thinking about changing the world, they can be easily put as revolutionary personalities who do not agree with general decisions and want to do what people have said they can not do. They also sought to have their ideal out in the world and make others see the world in a different light.
Additionally, their sign is the rebel sign among the twelve, because no matter what is up for discussion they will always want to make their voice heard and sometimes put their opinions in the face of everyone sometimes are seen as fighting the powers, fighting the authorities. These people can also be impulsive loaners because if they have not tamed some of their excesses.
12. Pisces – February 19 to March 20
Zodiac Symbol: Two Fish
Zodiac Element: Water
Lastly, Pisces comes last among the twelve zodiac signs, spanning from 330 to 360 or (330-0 degrees which is the starting point again) degrees starting from February 19 to March 20, completing the sun’s trajectory across the celestial sphere throughout the year. The sign is a mutable sign which means some of the traits of any individual are liable to change if the person wills which means adaptability, flexibility, and resourcefulness of any given person with this zodiac sign can change. Also, the sign symbol is two fish that spins in opposite directions with a rope which in ancient Greek methodology originated from ichthyocentaurs who is said to have an upper body of a man and a lower body of a horse.
Pisces are kind people, they are also warm-hearted, courageous, and soft-spoken with the tendency to become excessively upset but not immediately, you have to push them to the wall to get on their nerves. Also, they can easily get anxious and they also are a dreamer, and considered as the personality stereotype of the twelve signs.
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