10 Best Ways The World Can Avoid Another Phase of Covid-19
It’s been 2 years since COVID-19 shook the world. It indeed took the world by surprise but that shouldn’t happen again. Here are ways to avoid re-occurrence.

The negative impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the world can not be overemphasized, from the collapse of several nations’ economies to the loss of over 5 million human life globally.
Not to mention, its impact on the economic well-being that has pushed tens of millions of people into extreme poverty. Oh! And the Educational System? The pandemic occasioned a lockdown that shut school gates globally.
Almost two years into the pandemic and the world is yet to recover fully from these effects.
Fortunately, the Covid-19 infection and death rate has reduced drastically due to several vaccines that have been produced to combat the novel virus.
However, the world still needs to take necessary measures against another phase of the Virus, in order not to be met unprepared.
So, here are the 10 best ways to combat the second wave of the Covid-19 Virus.
1. Mass vaccination Campaigns
AstraZeneca Covid-19 VaccineTo prevent the second wave of Covid-19, there is a need for countries and global health organizations to carry out mass vaccination campaigns most especially in rural and disadvantaged areas.
2. Proper Orientation on Covid-19 vaccination
The government and necessary health agencies need to inform the people about the dangers of not getting vaccinated and the benefit of Covid-19 vaccination to the global community.
An alarmingly high number of people are misinformed and misguided concerning the Covid-19 Vaccination. But, this will be expected if the bodies putting out the correct information are doing nothing.
3. Continue the use of Nosemasks
Since the drastic reduction in the rate of the Covid-19 infection, many people have abandoned the use of nose masks and other safety measures that could prevent the spread of Covid-19.
This is, however, dangerous to the global community as a large percentage of the population has not been vaccinated, thereby, susceptible to infection.
4. Encourage Social Distancing
As earlier stated, a lot of people have abandoned the safety measures that could prevent the infection of covid-19. To prevent a second phase, there is a need for the government to encourage social distancing among the populace until everyone is fully vaccinated.
5. Isolation and quarantine of infected Individuals
There are several reports of notable individuals and people avoiding quarantine and isolation after being infected with the coronavirus. Such acts should not be encouraged and should be met with consequences. Or better still, the government should make sure infected individuals get isolated and quarantined.
6. Enforce washing hands in public places
One of the best practices Coronavirus introduced to the world is hand hygiene. Washing hands not only prevents coronavirus but other diseases like diarrhea and respiratory infections. I will suggest that Washing hands should be made compulsory in public places as it has a lot of advantages and poses no threat to anyone.
7. Preparation of health facility to treat those that are infected
One of the reasons the first phase of the Covid-19 was brutal was because there was no prior preparation by any government of the World. So, to avoid the same mistake, there is a need for the government to make necessary preparation.
8. Prepare to cushion the economic effect of the Pandemic
The Covid-19 Pandemic had several effects on the economy of different countries, as many people lost their jobs and thousands more fell into extreme poverty. To prevent reoccurrence should there be another phase of the coronavirus, there is a need for the government to cushion the economic effect of the pandemic on the general populace.
9. Strengthen the health system all over the world
As earlier stated, the reason the first phase of the coronavirus was brutal was that no government of the world prepared for such occurrence; the same is also applicable to the health system. Through the hit of the pandemic, we have seen that there is a need to strengthen our system all over the world for unforeseen circumstances.
10. Global solidarity and support
Now is the time for global solidarity and support. Developed countries that have successfully combated the Covid-19 virus should support and show solidarity for emerging and developing countries across the world.
If the world can come together as a global village, we can overcome the health, social and economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Meanwhile, new research revealed that babies born during the Covid-19 pandemic have lower IQs.