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Top 10 Ugliest Animals in The World
In this article, we’ll explore some of the ugliest animals in the world and what actually earns them the term ugly, including their lifespan

Animals are known to be the best companion any human could get aside from fellow humans, as research have shown that people tend to share a lot of bonds that is a mutual benefit that is essential to the well-being of both party as there are cute animals, that you find to be extremely likable, there are also the ugliest animals in the world.
Meanwhile, whether you decide to get one as a pet or for food, we share emotional, psychological, and physical interactions with animals, and the environment and this is well displayed in the manner in which animals are being treated when it comes to their right to live without being subjected to the desires of human beings.
Additionally, this post will be an eye-opening to know some of the ugliest animals in the world as well as learn about their kind and species, likewise, some of the animals that will be listed here are real and the chances that you may have or will come across them in a lifetime are slim, unless you are pretty deliberate, kin on seeing them.
Below are some of the ugliest animals in the world, although some of them are not totally dangerous or lethal, these animals exist all over the world, well depending on what ugly means to you, you’ll find they fit into all generally accepted forms of ugliness.
1. The Purple Frog
Most amphibians are considered to be generally primarily annoying because of the nature and sliminess of their skin but the purple frog is a different game, it looks hideous, especially in a world where most frogs are either green or brown, the purple frog brings in a different vibe. It is mostly found in the forests and lakes in western India where it is usually consumed by locals that serve as its apex predator.
Purple frog takes the lead in this list as it is rare and has a small head with a color that is not usually associated with amphibians. Additionally, it has a lifespan of about a year max.
2. Blobfish
The oceans is home to millions of creatures some are known others are still yet to be identified, but in the land of fish, Blob takes the lead as the ugliest, perhaps in the animal kingdom. The sea creature has no muscle, it is just like a lump of slimy mess, giving the mare appearance of the fish can make you throw up due to its slimy body and ugly face, the name does suit it.
Blopfish can have a lifespan of about 130 years, can grow to about 12 inches, and weigh about 20 pounds, they are also considered the laziest fish in all the sea as they usually sit back and allow their food to come to it without putting little to no effort. Blop is considered not edible but reports show a people may have been able to eat the fish without feeling sick or dying as long as they can get through the ugly appearance. It remains one of the endangered species.
3. The Naked Mole Rat
Talking about ugliness you thought you have seen it all until you see the naked mole rat which is peculiar to the Eastern-Africa and desert-like places. Mole rats can usually have a lifespan of about 3o years to life in total and can grow to about 3o cm in length the scientific name is Heterocephalus glaber. Due to the fact that rats are considered unhygienic and fussy, most people do not generally like rats but when it comes to an animal that is hairless it is another level of dislike.
Well, naked mole rats are among the ugliest animals in the world and aside from being on this list they do actually have an important feature, not only because of their look but also because it does not feel pain and they cannot or do not get cancer.
4. Matamata Turtle
Earning a place on this list is the weird-looking turtle that has a long, wart-filled neck, a spiky shell, and a flat head that’s accented with an unfortunate nose. The fresh turtle is mostly found in south-America, where the local tends to kill before raising any question. in addition to its flat head and unattractive shell, the matamata turtle has four claws and ugly-shaped feet.
5. Aye-Aye
Aye Aye is another animal appearing on this list of ugliest animals in the world that has actually earned or really deserves to be listed here. They are commonly found on the east coast of Madagascar and can live up to 21 – 23 years depending on the condition of their location. Although some have found them worthy of being cute, we beg to differ. Their bug eyes are one of the reasons this creature looks different and ugly at the same time. They also have long bony fingers, especially the unusually long third finger that looks oddly like a wicked witch finger.
6. Sphynx Cat
Cats are one of the most adorable animals one can keep as a pet, mostly due to their adorable face fluffy hair, cute paws, and likable nose, everyone loves cats and they are great companions as they tend to stick so close to their owners. Meanwhile, as adorable as cats can be there is a breed that looks odd and ugly, you definitely wouldn’t want to wake up in the morning to the face of the Sphynx Cat being the first thing you’ll see in the morning or waking up in the dark to Sphynx Cat beside you.
Like the naked mole rat which has been listed on this list, the Sphynx Cat doesn’t have hair also, they are commonly found in Canada and can spend an average of 14 years depending on the condition of their living.
7. Roti Island Snake Necked Turtle
This strange-looking turtle is among the ugliest animals in the world, unlike other turtles that have short necks and can easily retract their neck back into their shell, the reverse is the case for this snake-necked turtle. The head of the turtle makes them look ugly, especially for lovers of turtles, finding a turtle with a snake head isn’t actually what you want to stick up in your mind. They are actually going on extinction because of their pet trade.
8. Californian Condor
The Californian Condor is one of the rarest birds in the world and even at one point in time it was only eight (8) having a population decline currently, it is about 200 in total, though still endangered that does not mean it isn’t ugly. They are less photogenic, with a bald head, wrinkled, multi-colored head and neck adapted for scavenging.
9. Proboscis Monkey
Monkeys generally are not the cutest of animals or mammals in the animal kingdom, but the proboscis monkey is one of a kind, they have an elongated nose different from normal monkeys. They tend to live in a riverine environment and are commonly found in the Borneo Jungle in southeast Asia and part of Indonesia. Additionally, they tend to have a lifespan of 20 years on average. Their long nose and small faces make them look odd, thinking of a creature to see, though it is ugly, this one stop.
10. Warthog
The Warthog are ugly animals that need no explanation as it is glaring to eyes to see, that is why it isn’t strange they are appearing on this list of ugliest animals in the world. Warthog has two sets of tusks and a kind of rimmed-like face that, along with a wart covers all of its body. They are commonly found in SubsaharnAfrica.
Top 10 Ugliest Animals in The World
- The Purple Frog
- Blobfish
- The Naked Mole Rat
- Matamata Turtle
- Aye-Aye
- Sphynx Cat
- Roti Island Snake Necked Turtle
- Californian Condor
- Proboscis Monkey
- Warthog
Key Takeaways
- Blobfish is considered by many as the ugliest animal while on this list Purple Frog takes the lead
- Sphynx Cat isn’t as cute or lovable as one might think, courtesy of not all cats is adorable
- Californian Condor is one of the critically endangered animals with about 200 birds in total
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