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10 Top English Interview Questions
In this article, we have listed some of the 10 top English interview questions to get you ready for your interview,

Getting ready for an interview? no worries we got you covered as we also realize how difficult and anxious anyone can be preparing for an interview, it can really get you worked out and wouldn’t it be great to know the mind or likely questions an Hr manager is likely to ask before an interview so that you won’t be really caught off-guard, that is why we have prepared this list of the 20 top English interview questions.
Meanwhile, while we can obviously read minds or say particularly what question an Hr manager would choose to ask, we have been able to do justice to the likelihood of questions you should expect and that will make you prepare in advance for whatever question may pop your way.
Also, we recommend you go through each of the questions not only to familiarise yourself with them but to build confidence as you practice even before you actually go for the interview. In addition to questions that you would be asked, you should build emotional intelligence and try your possible best to analyze each question before you actually give an answer, and make sure to get comfortable.
1. Can you tell me a little about yourself?
As simple as this question may sound, the chances of getting wrong are high, mostly because you thought, oh! that’s not difficult at all and you go ahead and spill unnecessary and unimportant details about yourself. This is not a question about your background, where you live, how many dogs you have, or what you like or don’t like, rather your answer needs to be concise, and compelling as best as you can.
Furthermore, this is the moment you need to pitch yourself, you can answer by telling Hr your current role, or what you do currently, you must include your accomplishment, how you actually arrived in that role, and be assertive in saying the experience you have gain working in that role.
2. Why are you leaving your last/current job?
Well as tricky as this question can be, try not to mix things up and put yourself in a bad spot, if you were ever let go from the job, just keep it simple, better still you can frame up ideas, and reasons why you’re leaving or why you left, be careful not to be negative, that’s a red flag for the Hr. Additionally, you can actually say “you saw an opportunity to grow or that working where your interview is being conducted has been a dream place for you to work”.
3. Why were you fired?
You should expect this question as a follow-up question, and it is as important as any other top English interview questions on this list, especially when the reason you gave ahead was that you were let go. As sensitive as the question may be, depending on the reason, you need to answer truthfully, it may be because of a merger that you were layoff, and if you were fired from your position you need to be honest and say it, let it be framed as a learning experience and that you have learned from your experience and there’s growth, from who you were then and who is applying for a position now.
4. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.
Obviously, no one would want to come clean about a conflict they were involved in a working place, but no matter how difficult it may be just be honest if you are asked directly. If there’s a difficult mistake you have faced and how you handled it you have to say it, there may be a lesson even for Hr to learn from it, also be careful not to sound anxious be comfortable, and dwell more on the resolution than the conflict. Meanwhile, if there is no such thing as challenge or conflict which is almost impossible in human relations, just don’t form something in your head.
5. Why do you want to work at this company?
Be careful of using generic terms or words here that other candidates or that can apply to other companies, and make sure your response is aligned only with the company you are interviewing for. To better put it, do your homework, know the company, research what makes them unique, and also talk about the opportunities and room for growth that have been made available to employees and how you can contribute to the future acceleration and growth of the company.
6. How long do you want to work for us if we hire you?
When answering this question make sure you did not state any date or number of years you’ll like to work with any company or organization you are interviewing for, instead just provide an answer that is relatable with not vague but relatable. for example, “I would continue to work for this organization as long as I am providing value and adding to the growth of the organization and as long as there’s room to grow. Note, you can decide to answer anyhow you deem fit and you don’t necessarily have to follow this example as stated, just don’t give the hiring manager a hint that you wish not to stay long even if you actually don’t want to.
7. Why should we hire you?
Meanwhile, as direct as this question is, it provides the opportunity for you to sell yourself. This question has provided you with the setup for you to discuss what skills you possess and how you channel that to deliver great results which intune can help boost the company or organization’s goals and objectives and why you’re the best fit for the role, better than any other candidate. This remains one of the top English interview questions, you don’t want to get wrong. Do your best to sell yourself as best as your can, don’t hold back as well as don’t overdo.
8. What can you bring to the company?
Whenever you are this question just know that you have to be concise, this question tends to reveal if you have actually researched the company and if you have been following through with each stage of the interview. When answering this question make sure to talk about a problem that a department or the organization is experiencing that you are better fit to solve. Make sure to read the job description even before you actually attended the interview to learn the reason why you might be employed as a potential candidate. Being a great candidate on your resume doesn’t just sum it up, you need to be vocal, answering the question about what you bring can go a long way to sealing your place, and it is one of the top English interview questions.
9. What is your greatest strength?
Talking about strength here isn’t about how powerful or muscular you are, obviously, this isn’t about physical strength it’s all about abilities and qualities. When giving your answer make sure to dwell more on qualities than quantities, make sure you whatever is related to the role that is your strength, try not to have tons of objective talking non-stop or listing irrelevant details, and make it short as possible, if possible add a story to back the claims.
10. What’s your current salary/What are your salary expectations?
This is one of the important questions a potential employee will be asked, if you’re not well prepared the question may throw you off balance because you don’t want to sound vague in stating an amount at the same time you don’t want to reduce your worth. Meanwhile, depending on where you are, it may be illegal for you to be asked such a question but if you find yourself in a dare situation like that asking you what your current salary is you can choose to deflect the question by asking to know more about the role.
In addition, you can choose a figure if you think it is the right fit and it will be in your favor, otherwise, refrain from giving a direct answer. Meanwhile, about answering a question asking you your salary expectations, make sure you have researched in advance before attending the interview to get the knowledge of what the role offers in other organizations, or ask a friend who has worked in similar organizations about what pay for the role looks like. Well according to Fink he advises you to try something like “That’s a great question—it would be helpful if you could share what the range is for this role,”
10 Top English Interview Questions
- Can you tell me a little about yourself?
- Why are you leaving your last/current job?
- Why were you fired?
- Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it
- Why do you want to work at this company?
- How long do you want to work for us if we hire you?
- Why should we hire you?
- What can you bring to the company?
- What is your greatest strength?
- What’s your current salary/What are your salary expectations?
Key Takeaways
- Before attending any interview, make sure to research the company you’re interviewing for
- Be confident as well be comfortable and concise when answering any question
- Read the job description so as to know the tasks, duties, functions, and responsibilities of the position
- Lastly, be honest in your answers
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