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Top 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds in the World
The British and American Shorthairs are only two of the most popular cat breeds in the world. Here’s a comprehensive list for you.

What are some of the most popular cat breeds in the world? Cats are one of the cutest animals in the world, even though some disagree. The animal is part of a family of mammals, colloquially referred to as “Cats”. Members of the Cat family are sometimes called “Felids”, and some of these felids are Tigers, Jaguars, Leopards, Lions, Cheetahs, Cougars, and Ocelots.
Of all these felids, however, the “Cat” remains the most domesticated of them all. Cats are either house cats, farm cats, or feral cats. As of 2021, it was discovered that the estimated number of owned cats in the world was 220 million, and stray Cats were 480 million.
Domestic Cats are the second most popular pets in the United States while in the UK, 26% of adults own cats. There are however there are over 70 Cat breeds in the world as of 2022 and some of these breeds are more popular than others. In this article, RNN will highlight the top 10 most popular cat breeds in the world.
10. Sphynx
Sphynx cats have been termed the world’s ugliest cat breed. While they may look rather different from other breeds, especially since they are hairless, they are surprisingly very cuddly.
Sphynx is a low-allergen cat breed that can be easily recognized for its bald bodies. Because it is a very active breed, the Sphynx will need plenty of toys to help with mental stimulation. They are one of the breeds that take well to training.
This breed requires regular grooming and baths, unlike some other breeds, owing to its nature.
9. Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is known for its folded ears, apparently where its name sprang from. Scottish Fold became the cat’s breed name in 1966; prior to that time, it was called Lop-eared or Lops
The Scottish Fold has been described as owl-like as a result of its countenance and probably its eyes too. It has a dominant gene mutation that affects cartilage throughout the body. This is what makes its ears fold, bending forward and down towards the front.
The breed is the 9th on the list of most popular cat breeds in the world.
8. American Shorthair
The American Shorthair (ASH) is believed to have existed in America long before it became a country. It is a breed of domestic cats initially brought to North America from Europe in order to protect cargo from mice and rats. The American Shorthair is the 8th most popular cat breed in the world.
The breed is one of the most popular in families around the world. They are reportedly affectionate, cuddly, and endearing. This is a contrast to their history as hunters.
7. Abyssinian
The Abyssinian is a breed of domestic cat usually short-haired. Its individual hairs are banded with different colors. They are sometimes called Abys.Â
They are often likened to human fashion models because of their long and lean physiques. Abys are naturally active and curious and they possess dog-like characteristics. They often seek attention from their owners and are constantly in motion. Abyssinians are one of the most active and intelligent cat breeds in the world.
6. British Shorthair
The British Shorthairs do not only look like teddy bears, they have such calming nature too. This breed is not far from the media as its attractive looks and nature draw photographers to it.
It is notable for being an inspiration for John Tenniel’s famous illustration of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. They are currently the most popular Cat breed in Britain and the 6th most popular in the world at large. What’s not to love about the British Shorthairs?
5. Devon Rex
The Devon Rex breed looks rather whimsical but clingy. It is a tall-eared and short-haired breed known for its slender body and wavy coat. Devon Rex is highly intelligent but can equally be very hard to motivate.
This is another breed that craves attention and insists on being with its owner. They interact with people and other pets. The Devon Rex is not a pet to be left alone on too many occasions. If you intend on getting this breed, be ready to have a carry-around-even-to-the-restroom pet.
4. Persian
The Persian breed, also known as Persian Longhair is characterized by a flat, round face and short muzzle. They are one of the most easily recognizable breeds around the world.
They look rather regal and they also crave attention. Persian breeds are easy to please- a simple cuddle on your lap would do. Their hairs however require constant maintenance and attention. Although they originated from Iran, Persian Breeds are very popular in many parts of the world at the moment.
3. Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair or simply Exotic is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, originating from the Persian breed. Although they share a striking resemblance with their parent breed- Persian, they are more popular.
Unlike the Persian breed, the Exotic Shorthair requires very little maintenance (perhaps a weekly brush) to keep looking fancy. Their temperament and conformation are however similar to Persians. They also share looks, with the exception of their short dense coat.
2. Maine Coon
How large the Maine Coon can be! Often referred to as the gentle giant, the Maine Coon is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world today.
Unlike how their appearance makes people perceive them, they are one of the most social and friendliest cat breeds you can find around. Maine Coons can be up to 20 pounds, as studies have revealed. Because of their large size, however, professionals have found certain health-related problems in this breed. Some of these health issues include feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and hip dysplasia.
1. Ragdoll
The Ragdoll breed is known to be very large also, just not as large as the Maine Coon. Ragdoll has been the most popular cat breed in the world for over five years now. This is probably because of their affectionate nature, docile, placid temperament, and clingy nature.
Ragdolls have a tendency to follow people around, they are receptive to handling, and they are not aggressive towards other pets. This is probably why many families in the UK and the US like to own them.
Top 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds in the World (Summary)
Here are the top 10 most popular cat breeds in the world as highlighted in this article.
- Ragdoll
- Maine Coon
- Exotic Shorthair
- Persian
- Devon Rex
- British Shorthair
- Abyssinian
- American Shorthair
- Scottish Fold
- Sphynx