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Top 10 Magical Places In Asia



Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

In this article, RNN has provided you with the Top 10 Magical Places In Asia you need to know. The continent of Asia is rich in mysticism, spirituality, and exoticism. There is nothing in the world that is not found in Asia, including brilliant color, well-dressed people, vivid hues, severe aromas, bustling marketplaces, different architectural styles, profound religious belief, the world’s holiest rivers, and the tallest mountains.

Magic cannot be quantified, hence this list is obviously not objective. However, all ten of these enchanted locations in Asia radiate such a strong sense of life, strength, and eternity that no tourist can help but be enchanted by their beauty and be captured by it.

10. Hạ Long Bay

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Northeast Vietnam’s H Long Bay is renowned for its green seas and dozens of colossal limestone islands that are covered in lush jungles. Visitors may go by islands including Stone Dog and Teapot Islands on junk boat cruises and sea kayak excursions. Scuba diving, rock climbing, and hiking are popular activities in the area, especially in the hilly Cát Bà National Park.

9. Old Bagan

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Over 40 square kilometers, there are several pagodas and temples, with over 2,000 of them still standing. Many pilgrims and monks continue to pray every day, although from some you can only see ruins, and some have deep fissures from the most recent earthquake.

8. Luang Prabang, Laos

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

In the center of Indochina is where Luang Prabang is located. Yes, tourism is prosperous in this area. The only time there are large crowds is at daybreak when a solemn procession of hundreds of barefoot monks leaves their temples to accept food offerings.

7. Tianmen Mountain, China

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

The Tianmen mountain, sometimes referred to as “Heaven’s Door,” draws tourists from all over the world. The ‘ stairway to heaven’ really has over 999 steps, and it is supposed to have been created in 263 AD when a mountainside collapsed, leaving a 430 feet by 190 feet opening on the rock face. For a genuinely spiritual experience, you may also go to the thousand-year-old Tianmenshan Temple.

6. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Rarely does a building on Earth draw a magical spell like this, even though one of the Angkorian temples now has to share its beauty with hordes of visitors, especially when the sun rises over the city’s most famous landmark, Angkor Wat.

The tranquility and spirituality that the archaeologists must have felt here in 1860 when they made the greatest temple complex in the world discovery are still here.

There are several places to wonder, including the Bayon temple, which is several meters high and carved out of stone, as well as the most well-known temples like Ta Prohm, which was practically discovered exactly as the French had left it.

5. The Fengdu Ghost City, China

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

A 2000-year-old history may be found in the Ghost City of Fengdu. This city, perched above Ming Mountain on the Yangtze River’s side, is covered in temples and monasteries that feature demonic imagery associated with hell. The Eastern Han Dynasty referred to Fengdu as the “Ghost City.” The locals here adhere to a combined Taoist, Confucian, and Buddhist philosophy and believe in life after death. They also think that the dead are still alive and roam the earth. An unfinished, frightening hotel that assumes a human appearance is one of the strangest sights in Fengdu.

4. Temple of the Sacred Tooth, Sri Lanka

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

The most significant Buddhist artifact in Sri Lanka is the Temple of the Sacred Tooth. It contains the sacred tooth of Lord Buddha, which is kept in a gold reliquary. In the fourth century, the tooth was transported from Kalinga, India, to Sri Lanka. The artifact was often transported before finding a permanent home in the Sri Lankan city of Kandy. The carefully guarded chamber that contains the sacred relic is occasionally available to tourists on certain occasions. But you can only catch a peek at the priceless box containing the tooth. Visitors to the Temple of the Tooth so find solace in their divine nature.

3. Dungtse Lhakhang, Bhutan

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

In the year 1433, Thangtong Gyelpo constructed the Dungste Lhakhang. According to legend, the monument was built on the remains of a monster that was harming the locals. There are enigmatic tales surrounding this location, and the villagers think that the temple’s holy power will prevent the monster from reviving. Different floors of the structure, which is shaped like a diagram-mandala, stand in for the earth, heaven, and hell. Visitors are astounded by the frescoes on the walls, which are inspired by horror and add to the location’s eerie allure. Dungste Lhakhang is meticulously conserved, and entry needs special authorization from the government.

2. Phnom Kulen, Cambodia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Two hours of driving will get you to the Ethereal Phnom Kulen mountain from Siem Reap. There are well-known sights near the mountain’s base, but what you discover there will astound you. You won’t find it listed on the tourist map as a top destination. However, this location is Cambodia’s best-kept secret and has no name at all. The mountain’s summit is adorned by a stunning shrine. If you make a wish in front of the shrine, Lord Buddha is said to grant it.

1. Phraya Nakhon Cave and Pavilion, Thailand

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

Be prepared to have your mind blown by Phraya Nakhon Cave if you haven’t heard of it. One of Thailand’s most enigmatic monuments is this spectacular sinkhole cave. Its presence of a Thai Pavilion, which dates back 125 years, is noteworthy. An exhausting hour-long journey across rocky terrain and verdant trees is needed to reach the cave. As soon as one enters the cave, one is met with the mind-blowing sight of the Kuha Karuhas Pavilion, which is both calming to the eyes and the soul. King Rama V is honored by this man made marvel. You will undoubtedly be astounded by the breathtaking scene, which appears to have come directly from a movie set.

Top 10 Magical Places In Asia

  •  Angkor Wat
  • Old Bagan
  • Luang Prabang, Laos
  • Tianmen Mountain, China
  • Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • The Fengdu Ghost City, China
  • Temple of the Sacred Tooth, Sri Lanka
  • Dungtse Lhakhang, Bhutan
  • Phnom Kulen, Cambodia
  • Phraya Nakhon Cave and Pavilion, Thailand

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