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Three signs you might be dating an immature guy

Immature guy, popularly called man-child are guys who refused to grow up; although, this doesn’t mean he necessarily lives at home with mom and dad, but that he just doesn’t have his life together.



Three signs you might be dating an immature guy

Immature guy, popularly called man-child are guys who refused to grow up; although, this doesn’t mean he necessarily lives at home with mom and dad, but that he just doesn’t have his life together. What’s worse is that most of the time these guys don’t even want to have their life together. They’re content to be hanging out at a bar on a Monday night, with zero ambition or desire to do anything to drink and get laid.

However, consider whether you are dating someone you will have to carry along in life instead of a real partner you can depend upon. What appears fun and sexy now could eventually become deadweight that you have to carry—along with your children, household duties, and finances.

1. Talk of Children/ Commitment Bring Panic to his Eyes

Once you started dating, you bring up talks about the future. And you immediately see panic and a desire to flee. Blaming your tactic, you then vow to yourself to bring it up more casually next time.

In a more subtle joking way, while watching Naija shitcom, you said, “You’ll be in charge of potty training when we have kids, lol!” But you look over and see that same panic in his eyes—and within a half-hour of your joke, he leaves the premises.

Truly, this behaviour is strange; talking about the future or what you want or don’t want doesn’t mean it’s going to happen or that you are certain you even want it to happen. It’s just talking, and you deserve to be able to have these talks with your partner so you can see if he wants the same things you want.

2. They Make You Look like a Fool

Another crazy thing about dating an immature guy is eventually, you made to feel like a fool and an idiot, a totally blind twit, and as though you’ve been severely taken advantage of. Well, I’m not saying these boys, that what they are truly, meant to take advantage of you, but they will do it.

3. You Nag Always

Most times, you hear yourself nagging but can’t stop; you feel that if you don’t remind him of what he needs to do, so he would do. You invariably find yourself disappointed and let down as he doesn’t follow through with plans or commitments.
More so, he tells you to nagging him but when you try to have a serious conversation about what bothers you, he shuts you down. The “nag” always gets the bad press, but when you look deeper, the nagging is usually the result of someone not taking full responsibility for himself and his actions.
Really, men who never grow up don’t know how to deal with grown-ass women who want to have an adult conversation. They revert to their adolescent ways out of discomfort with intimacy and to protect them from getting too close to you.
Crazy thing is, the more adolescent your man, the more “motherly” you may be in his presence. It’s hard to let go if you feel like you are the only one watching the controls.
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