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Things People Hardly Know About India

India is a country in Asia with a cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity, that offers a whirlwind of sensations to its visitors.



Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

India is a country in Asia with a cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity, that offers a whirlwind of sensations to its visitors. Do you want to know some facts about India? Then you have come to the right place! RNN has selected and presented curious facts that prove what an amazing place on the planet.

This article discusses things people hardly know about India.

1. India was the first country to mine diamonds

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

India was the source of diamonds in the world from the 4th century BC for around 1000 years. The pure diamonds were found in the Krishna River Delta, located in Andhra Pradesh.

2. India is the second-largest English-speaking country in the world

Did you know that India is the second-largest country in the world that speaks English? So it is! English is the main language spoken in the country, apart from the 400 languages and dialects we have mentioned before.

3. India was the first country to produce sugar

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

India has been producing sugar since ancient times. People in the Indian subcontinent were the first to discover the use of sugarcane and its properties in medicine and food.

4. Thousands of languages are spoken all over India.

There are 22 recognized languages, with Hindi and English being the official languages. However, other commonly-spoken languages include Bengali (the second most spoken language), Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, and Punjabi. There are as many as 19,500 known languages and dialects across the country.

Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world – with 310 million native speakers (4.5% of the world’s population). Bengali is the world’s 7th most-spoken language and Punjabi is the 10th most-spoken language.

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

The official religion of India is Hinduism, whose followers are adept at meditation and chanting mantras (words chanted in honor of specific deities). And did you know that Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world? With documents dating back to 5500 B.C.,  Hinduism is considered the oldest and third-largest religion in the world, serving more than 1 billion people.

6. Sacred Cows

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

The cow is considered sacred in the Hindu religion in India. They believe that each cow contains 330 million gods and goddesses.

In ancient Hindu, the cow appears as “Kamdhenu”, which fulfills all desires. Its horns represent the ancient Hindu scriptures or the “Vedas” and its utter, the four objectives of life, material wealth, salvation, and desire.

7.  Home to more than 300,000 mosques

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

India happens to have the most number of mosques in the world as 14.2% of the country’s population belongs to the Muslim community. Some of the most popular ones are Jama Masjid in New Delhi, Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad, and Taj-Ul-masjid in Bhopal.

8. The Taj Mahal is not a palace

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

Another thing you should know about India is that the Taj Mahal is actually a tomb. Commissioned in 1632 by Emperor Shah Jahan to build the Taj Mahal in honor of his late wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is among the Seven Wonders of the World and is a stunning symbol of love and architectural brilliance.

About 28 different types of precious stones were used for adorning this place and they were sources from Tibet, China, Sri Lanka, and some parts of India. One of the most significant Mughal Empire structural wonders, it still stands in all its beauty and fineness in Uttar Pradesh, India.

9. India has the World’s Highest Rail Bridge

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

The arch-shaped Chenab Bridge in Jammu and Kashmir is the world’s tallest bridge which is about 35 meters taller than the Eiffel Tower. It is built at a height of 1,178 feet over the Chenab River

10. Not all Indians are vegetarians

Things People Hardly Know About India

Things People Hardly Know About India

India is the most vegetarian country in the world. But still, only about 40% of the population is vegetarian. Many Indians eat chicken and fish. The only truth here is that you won’t find beef to eat in any restaurant, and at most, you will find buffalo meat in a few places.


What makes India unique?

India is a diverse country with all the major religions of the world.

What is India famously known for?

Highest Number of Official Languages.

What makes India different from other countries?

India is a diverse country with all the major religions of the world.

What are some unknown facts about India?

Cows are sacred in India, Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world

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