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Student Dies Of Hunger And Fatigue After Being Evicted From Her Apartment

A South African student identified as Yonwabo Manyanya has reportedly died from hunger and fatigue after being evicted from her apartment because she could no longer afford to pay rent.



A South African student identified as Yonwabo Manyanya has reportedly died from hunger and fatigue after being evicted from her apartment because she could no longer afford to pay rent.

The 26-year-old Yonwabo Manyanya who was studying towards a diploma in electrical and infrastructure construction at eThekwini TVET College is said to have spent three days sleeping outside the campus, after the state entity, NSFAS, delayed in paying out her funding.

Sunday Times reported that her family got to know about her death through Facebook, as her pictures were being shared by her friends on social media who expressed their condolences.

Her brother, Mlungisi Manyanya who could not reach her after calling for six consecutive days, never knew that her lifeless body had been discovered four days prior to that.

He said; “We only got to know through Facebook that she had been found dead. Her pictures were being circulated by her friends who were studying with her at the college expressing their condolences. It was the most hurtful thing ever.

“The only information we have so far is through student leaders and friends. I lost my job last year and prior to that, I was able to pay for her rent and groceries whenever there were problems with college funding. I had no idea that the situation was so dire, otherwise, I would have encouraged her to come back home.”

Student leader Mthobisi Magudulela said there were many students at the TVET college who had been evicted from their dwellings and had resorted to camping outside the campus hoping for assistance.

He disclosed that the student leadership has received reports of students committing suicide because of the anxiety arising from financial exclusion.

Magudulela said;  “The tragic death of Yonwabo highlights the neglect and harsh realities faced by poor students at eThekwini college. Her death should not go unpunished. NSFAS, together with the management of the college, must be held to account. For weeks now students have been sleeping outside the campus and some are squatting with friends because landlords have evicted them for non-payment.”


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