Relationship Tips: 9 Ways to Keep Your Man
The only way to keep a man is to ensure your partner’s happiness at all times. Even when there’s a disagreement, you’re content knowing it’s only a phase, and you can tell beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re pleased with your spouse.

There is no one formula to keeping a man, or to a long-lasting and happy relationship, because what works for you might not work for someone else.
In this article, I would be showing you the best tips on how to keep your man. The tips will however help you develop a loving relationship, respect for your spouse, clear communication, as well as a happy and fulfilling relationship.
Tips on how to successfully make your man happy
Read below to find out what you can do to make your partner happy in the relationship:
Be Humble
Men generally love women that are humble and respectful. You need to learn to get rid of your pride, accept when you are at fault, and be quick to apologize.
2. Learn to make Sacrifices in the relationship
I know that the greatest way men show they are truly in love with you is by their sacrifices and commitments towards you. A man that loves you would always go the extra mile for you. As a woman, you should also be ready to do the same for your man, let him feel you sincerely love him if you want to keep him.
3. Be slow to Anger
As a woman in the relationship, you need to learn how to be calm and be slow to anger, men hate women who nag a lot and throw tantrums, I’m sure you don’t want your man to leave the relationship because of your anger issues.
4. Take good care of yourself
A lot of women in relationships get too comfortable and they tend not to take special care of themselves anymore in the relationship, especially in their dressing or in the way they look. You don’t have to put forth a lot of effort or spend a lot of money. Consider what first drew him to you and what made him fall in love with you. It could be your charming smile, your long hair, or even your demeanor, and don’t let that die. Keep at it.
5. Do not talk to people about him
We all know that a relationship is meant to have its ups and downs, and men do not like when you keep reporting them to people who cannot help or solve the situation. unless your partner is abusive or doing something illegal or dangerous, in which case you should definitely seek the help of a third party). If you’re having regular relationship problems, ranting to your friends and family is likely to make matters worse. Try not to let the words of others to influence you or sell a lie to you about your man.
if you want to keep your man. Allow the two of you to determine what is best for your relationship. If there are conflicts or problems within it, attempt to settle them on your own rather than allowing others to intervene.
6. Make your relationship a Priority
I know that there are days you are extremely busy that all you want to do is get home and rest, but if you are in a relationship, you need to put the feeling of your partner in mind. Take time to tell your boyfriend or husband how valuable he is to you on a regular basis.
Taking a few minutes out of your day to send a romantic text or pick up his favorite snack on your way home is an easy way to let him know he’s always on your mind.
7. Support Him
Support his dreams, his visions, his plans. Men like a woman whi is dependable that they can always trust in. Be confidence in your boyfriend if you want to keep him. Have faith in him. Make him feel trustworthy and dependable.
8. Let him know you are attracted to him
Don’t go about telling him how Mr A looks, and how you think he should look as well, you can try to change some things to fit your style, but don’t go overboard and make him feel like you don’t appreciate him.
Make him understand that you are physically drawn to him, and you just want to do things to make him more handsome
9. Pray for Him
The greatest thing a man loves and admires is a woman that can pray for him, let him know that you are praying for him, and no matter the situation, or how things may look, let him know that you are there to support him.