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Rc Sproul Bio, Age, Family, Education, Wife, Children, Career, Health and Death, Nationality, Net Worth




Robert Charles Sproul was an American theologian, author, or ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in America. He was also president of Ligonier Ministries and also had a radio show that could be listened to daily on the Renewing Your Mind radio program in the United States and abroad.

His ministry, Ligonier Ministries, produced the Ligonier Statement on Biblical Inerrancy which would eventually become the 1978 Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. Alongside Norman Geisler was one of the chief architects. Robert has been described as the greatest and most influential proponent of the revival of Reformed theology in the last centur


He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on February 13, 1939.

R.C Sproul


Sproul was the second child of Robert Cecil Sproul, an accountant and World War II veteran, and his wife Mayre Ann Sproul.


Sproul was a dedicated Pittsburgh Steelers and Pittsburgh Pirates fan in his youth. At the age of 15, he dropped out of school athletics to support his family. He graduated from Westminister College, Pennsylvania in 1961 and then from Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary M.Div in 1964

He then went to Free University of Amsterdam Drs., in 1969 and Whitefield Theological Seminary Ph.D., in 2001. Rc went on to teach at a number of colleges and seminaries including Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando and in Jackson, Mississippi, and Knox Theological Seminary in Ft. Lauderdale.


He married Vesta in 1960


They were blessed with two children, namely Sherrie Darotiak and Robert Craig Sproul.


Ligonier Ministries hosts several theological conferences each year, including the main conference in Orlando, FL, at which Sproul was one of the keynote speakers. Also served as co-pastor at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, a congregation in Sanford, Florida. He was ordained an elder in the United Presbyterian Church in the United States in 1965, but left that denomination around 1975 and joined the Presbyterian Church in America. Sproul was also a member of the Council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

Sproul was a strong advocate of Calvinism in his many prints, audio and video publications, and he was also known for his advocacy of Thomistic (classical) approaches to Christian apologetics, less common among Reform apologists, most of whom prefer presuppositionalism. A dominant theme in many of Sproul’s Renewing Your Mind lessons is the holiness and sovereignty of God.

Sproul, a staunch critic of the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic theology, denounced the 1994 ecumenical document Evangelicals and Catholics Together


On April 18, 2015, Sproul suffered a stroke and was admitted to hospital. Five days later, on April 23, Dr. Sproul returned home from the hospital, with no ill effects. He was, however, diagnosed with diabetes ‘which needs to be treated with diet and regular medical care’.

Sproul had long suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and on December 2, 2017, he was hospitalized when his breathing difficulties were exacerbated by the flu. Despite medical efforts to restore respiratory function, he died on December 14, 2017, at the age of 78.


He was of American nationality.


His net worth is around $2 million.


-Moses and the Burning Bush

-The Legacy of Luther (2016) with Stephen J.Nichols and others

-The Knight’s Map (2016

-Everyone is a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology (2014)

-God’s Promises (2013)

-God’s Love: How the Infinite God Cares for His Children (2012)

-Are We Together: A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism (2012)

-The Work of Christ: What the Events of Jesus’ Life Mean to You (2012)

-The donkey that carried a king (2012)

-The Barber Who Wanted to Pray (2011)

-Invisible Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons (2011)

-The Lord’s Prayer (2009)

-The Prince’s Poison Cup (2008)

-The Truth of the Cross (2007)

-Truths We Confess: A Layman’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith Volume 3: The State, The Family, The Church, and Last Things (2007)

-Part 2: The Truths We Confess: A Layman’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith Volume 2: Salvation and the Christian Life (2007)

– Truths We Confess: A Layman’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith Volume 1: The Triune God (2006)

-Les Lightlings (2006)

-How then shall we worship? (2006 as A Taste of Heaven; revised 2006)

-Running the Race: A Graduate’s Guide to Life (2003)

-Defending Your Faith (2003)

-The Dark Side of Islam (2003) with Abdul Saleeb

-Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow (2002)

-Save from what? (2002)

-When Worlds Collide: Where is God? (2002)

– What is in the Bible? (2001)

-Beloved of God (2001)

-The Consequence of Ideas (2000)

-In the Presence of God (1999)

-Realizing the Gospel: The Bond That Binds Evangelicals (1999)

-A Walk with God: Luke (1999)

-The Last Days According to Jesus (1998)

-What is Reformed Theology (1997 as Unknown Grace; revised 2005)

-Willing to Believe: Understanding the Role of the Human Will in Salvation (1997)

-The Priest in the Dirty Clothes (1997; revised 2011)

-Now that’s a good question! (1996)

-The Invisible Hand (1996, revised 2003)

-Choose My Religion (1996)

-Ultimate Issues (1996)

-Before the Face of God Volume 4: A Daily Guide for Living from Ephesians, Hebrews, and James (1996)

-Reformation Study Bible (1995 as New Geneva Study Bible; révisé 1998, 2005, 2015)

-The Unexpected Jesus (1995 as The Mighty Christ; Revised 2005)

-Faith Alone (1995; revised 2016)

-God’s Purpose: An Exposition of Ephesians (1994; revised 2006)

-Not a Chance: God, Science, and the Revolt Against Reason (1994; revised 2014) with Keith Mathison

-Before the Face of God Volume 3: A Daily Guide to Living from the Old Testament (1994)

-The Gospel of God: An Exposition of Romans (1994 Revised 1999)

-Before the Face of God Volume 2: A Daily Guide to Living from the Gospel of Luke (1993)

-Doubt and insurance

-The soul’s quest for God: Satisfying the hunger for spiritual fellowship with God

-Before the Face of God Volume 1: A Daily Guide to Living from the Book of Romans

-Essential Truths of the Christian Faith

-Following Christ (1991) ISBN 978-0842359375 combination of previously published pamphlets titled: Who Is Jesus? (1983), Does prayer make a difference? (1984), Can I know the will of God? (1984), and how should I live in this world? (1983)

-The Mystery of the Holy Spirit (1990; revised 2009)

-Abortion – A Rational Look at an Emotional Problem (1990; revised 2010)

-The Glory of Christ (1990; revised 2003)

-Surprised by Suffering (1989; revised 2009)

-Pleasing God (1988; revised 2012)

-Discovering God Who Is (1987 as a Holy Passion; revised 1995 and 2003 as Character of God and 2008 as Discovering God Who Is)

-Lifeviews: Making a Christian Impact on Culture and Society (1986)

-Chosen by God (1986)

-The Holiness of God (1985; revised 1998)

-Classical Apologetics (1984) avec John Gerstner et Arthur Lindsley

-Johnny Comes Home (1984)

-The Hunger for Significance (1983 as In Search of Dignity; révisé en 1991 et 2001)

-Stronger Than Steel: The Wayne Alderson Story (1980)

-Reason to Believe (1978 and 1982 as answers to objections; revised 2016)

-Knowing the Scriptures (1978; revised 2016)

-Soli Deo Gloria (1976) General Editor

-God’s Inerrant Word: An International Symposium on the Trustworthiness of Scripture (1974) Contributeur

-Intimate Marriage (1975 as Discovery of Intimate Marriage; revised 1986 and 2003)

-If there is a God, why are there atheists? (1974 as The Psychology of Atheism; revised in 1988, 1997 and 2018)

-What We Believe: Understanding and Confessing the Apostles’ Creed (1973 as the Symbol: An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed; revised in 1982 as Basic Training, 1998 as Renewing Your Mind, and 2015 as What We Believe)




