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Prepare for the upcoming holiday! part 3



We have reached the third part of our series. “ Prepare for the upcoming holiday. 

In this article we will talk about the importance of supplementing your regular diet.

Dedicated workout and diet plan

The key to building a great physique is the consistency and commitment you build into your exercise and nutrition plan. Success is achieved by doing everything in your power to achieve your goals. The same can be said about building a great body. If you exercise seriously and import all the nutrients and calories you need into your body, you can get the most out of supplementation.

Many bodybuilders or fitness trainers think that the key to building their dream body lies in supplementing their diet. Well they are wrong! In fact, the best way to build a great body is through your exercise program and diet. Supplement is actually the least you need to look for.

When supplementation becomes a part of your diet, you will experience the best possible progress in your body. We have compiled a list of ten supplements that you can add to your diet. You can use the suggested products and it will be amazing to see the quality muscle mass you will put on your body.

How do I start my day?

Immediately after waking up, you need to drink a protein shake. By sleeping 8 hours through the night, you prevent your body from getting all the amino acids it needs, which are important for muscle growth and all other bodily processes. Although sleeping allows for muscle growth and your body’s recovery, it actually represents the catabolic state in which the body breaks down its muscle mass to get the amino acids it needs and turn them into energy.

Read on to find out everything you can do to keep your body fit.

  1. Boost your results with multivitamin and multimineral

Twenty minutes after you’ve brushed your teeth and showered, you’re ready to start your day. It’s time for breakfast. By taking protein shake you give your body an immediate start in metabolism. That means the next thing you need to do is prepare a quality breakfast in the morning that consists of protein-rich foods. You must choose foods that are digested slowly.

You can eat eggs and meat in combination withcomplex carbohydrates (oatmeal or whole-seed toast). It is recommended to include fruit in your breakfast as well. The fructose that is part of the fruit directly fuels the glycogen stores in your liver, shutting down your body’s catabolic state. This helps the body get into the anabolic state faster. You can also take multivitamins and multiminerals .

Multivitamin/multimineral consumption is very important for two reasons:

  • Food is digested more easily and the required nutrients are absorbed much faster.
  • It provides the body with the nutrients it needs right from the start. These nutrients continuously support muscle growth and boost your body’s immunity.

Suggested Intake – Eat a breakfast of protein, fruit, and complex carbohydrates. Also add multivitamins and multiminerals.

  1. Don’t forget the fibers

You can also consume fiber with your breakfast. The fibers offer great benefits for your digestive system and the absorption of all important nutrients and amino acids. Also, fiber slows down the digestive process while helping the body process the proteins slowly for the best possible results. It is not mandatory to consume fiber as part of your breakfast. However, importing fiber can slow the release of amino acids. This means that the amino acids are available to your body until the next meal.

The fibers should be implemented during your meal or through the protein shake taken before bed. This is recommended if you want to get maximum effects while releasing the amino acids. To increase your fiber intake, take another dose of the supplement before bed. Not only does this increase the total amount of fiber imported, but it also slows down the digestion of the protein shake you’ve already imported. It also protects the muscle mass already gained and built.

Suggested Intake – Consume approximately 3g of fiber during breakfast and 3g more with your last protein shake of the day.

  1. Don’t forget the caffeine

Caffeine is one of the most important and effective sports supplements. Because of this, it is not surprising that it is implemented in the supplement of many bodybuilders and fitness models. Caffeine is a great option no matter what part of your bodybuilding process you are in. It is ideal for muscle growth as it increases intensity and focus during workouts.

It is also used as a weight loss supplement because it helps reduce excess fat by converting it into energy. However, it is not recommended to import large amounts of this dietary supplement as it can make you nervous and you will have problems with your sleep. For best results you need to consume caffeine 1 to 2 times per day. It is recommended to be in the morning.

Suggested Intake – Drink a cup or two of coffee daily, or take 200-400 mg as a dietary supplement, especially pre-workout. Take 200 mg as needed to counteract fatigue. If you want to lose weight, take 100-300 mg every four hours.

  1. Increase your muscles with creatine

The benefits of using creatine as a supplement are well known. Taking creatine before and after a workout can provide great results. Creatine can help move water into muscles and strengthen them. When you lift heavier weights and do more reps, you actually stimulate muscle growth. Post-workout, creatine can help transport the nutrients from the post-workout meal to the muscles, facilitating recovery.

Additionally, the latest research shows that creatine provides excellent antioxidant protection and may enhance the benefits of cardio exercise. These are just a few of the many important benefits you can achieve by simply incorporating creatine into your supplementation regimen. So what are you waiting for, grab one today!

Suggested Intake – Take 2-3g of Creatine with the Whey Protein Shake pre-workout. After training, take another 2-3 g of creatine with the whey protein shake.

  1. Don’t miss the glutamine

Along with creatine, glutamine is one of the best supplements available on the market. Glutamine is the predominant amino acid in the body and is used in many different bodily processes. In addition, the glutamine ensures better digestion, strengthens the immune system and helps with muscle regeneration. Glutamine also provides energy.

In addition, glutamine is a part of hydrogen production, which is an important regulator of fatigue and chemicals produced by intense exercise. Glutamine also helps muscles stock up on glycogen after exercise. These are enough reasons to make glutamine a very important part of your pre-workout and post-workout supplementation.

The body can supply this amino acid itself, so the body has to use the reserves and reduce muscle mass. By taking glutamine, the body gets what it needs without breaking down the muscles that have already been built up.

Suggested Intake – Take 5-10g of glutamine before exercise and the same amount after exercise. Add the glutamine in your protein shakes or drink with water during the day. Dose carefully and keep to the daily consumption of a total of 40 g of glutamine.

  1. Whey Protein und Training

One of the things you can do for your body before and after your workout is to drink whey protein shakes. Training is the part of the day when your body has the greatest nutritional needs. Drinking a pre-workout protein shake will not adversely affect your workout as it is easily digested.

It also provides the amino acids needed by the body, which is responsible for faster recovery and better muscle growth. The protein is transported to your muscles along with the creatine (taken for some time) and helps restore the stores of glycogen that you have used up during your workout.

Suggested Intake – Before training, drink 20 to 40 grams of protein shake with 40 to 80 grams of simple carbohydrates. Drink the same amount of protein shake after training. You can add glutamine and creatine to the shake.

  1. Increase antioxidant intake

When you engage in an intense workout or when you subject your body to any other type of exertion, you generate harmful free radicals. Antioxidants like vitamins C and E can fight these free radicals and continue the muscle growth process. This is a great way to ensure availability of the vitamins your body needs. Add another dose of these antioxidants to dinner (or post-workout protein shake) as they work best when combined with calories.

Suggested Intake – Consume 500 mg of vitamin C and 400 mg of vitamin E with dinner or a post-workout protein shake.

  1. Don’t forget zinc and magnesium

Many bodybuilders, gym workouts or athletes fall short when it comes to importing zinc and magnesium into their bodies. Intense training increases the importance of importing these minerals. In addition, minerals are lost during sweating, which puts the body even more at a disadvantage. Supplemental consumption of zinc and magnesium can reduce the effects of intense exercise and increase levels of anabolic hormones, including free testosterone and growth hormone.

The level of these hormones can be reduced with intense exercise. Zinc and magnesium also improve sleep quality. Note that zinc and magnesium work best on an empty stomach, especially in the absence of calcium. So if you need additional zinc and magnesium, you can take them together with the protein shake. You will see even better results if you take them half an hour before drinking the protein shake.

Suggested Intake – You should take this supplement on an empty stomach half an hour before your last protein shake of the day.

  1. Casein Protein

Casein is a milky protein. Unlike whey, casein protein cooks slowly. In the morning, immediately before and after exercise, you should consume protein that is digested quickly, as opposed to the other times of the day when it is recommended to consume protein that is digested slowly. Probably the most important time to take a slow-digesting protein is before bed, as 8 hours of sleep is imminent.

You don’t usually eat during this time. Therefore, if you take casein before bedtime, you will get the necessary reserves that the body can use during sleep. The longer you keep amino acids in your blood, the less likely your body is to grab and break down muscle mass to provide the required amount of amino acids. Casein can also be consumed as a meal replacement. So if you are unable to eat a regular meal, you can drink casein protein shake.

Suggested Intake – Take 30 to 50 grams of casein protein with or without carbohydrates before bed. Those trying to lower their body fat should avoid carbs, while those looking to increase muscle mass should consume carbs up to 50 grams.

This brings us to the end of the third part of this series. Don’t forget about your regular diet and add these supplements for better results.

Building muscle is a long process and it consists of a good exercise program, an even better diet program and the right supplementation. Don’t think that consuming glutamine and creatine while eating hamburgers will produce results. In fact it won’t!

Every fitness trainee and every individual who wants to get maximum results in the shortest amount of time must implement all of the suggested supplements. If you find them too expensive, you can (sometimes) just throw in protein, glutamine, and creatine and still get great results.

Again, make sure your training and diet are right before introducing supplements.

Stay tuned for the next part of the series “Prepare for the upcoming holiday”
