Top 10 Practical Ways For Self-Improvement
No doubt, working on self-improvement can be demanding and it might just feel like a hell of a journey, but, it is always worth it.

No doubt, working on oneself can be demanding and it might just feel like a hell of a journey, but, one fact is, it is always worth it. Factually, no matter how hard we think we’ve worked towards self-improvement or imbibed self-developmental practices, there is always something else to improve on. Furthermore, human potential is limitless and it is just impossible to reach a point of no growth. So, we keep growing, we keep learning until we cannot learn anymore (death).
Most importantly, it is good to note that self-development can take time and demand a very high level of discipline and dedication. Therefore, you do not have to be hard on yourself. Instead, take your time and enjoy the process. It is a process and you would definitely get to a deserving point once you put in the right energy.
Also, you have to be prepared for a lot of discomfort such as emotional discomfort, physical discomfort, etc. It is not an easy task to drop and/or pick up habits, or even unlearn old life rules that are already part of us. But, all we need to do is find the courage to go on, with determination, focus, and passion.
William Faulkner once said: “Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”
Hence, the objective of self-development is to create a better version of yourself. It borders on being better than you were yesterday and not on being better than others; the message is, Focus on yourself!
Below is a list of 10 practical ways for self-improvement:
1. Be Sure You Are Ready
It is one thing to want to do stuff because others are doing it and it is another to want to do stuff because you want to do it. Be sure that you really want to go on the journey of self-improvement and you would stop at nothing till it is achieved. As pointed out, it is not an easy journey, so doing it for the right reasons would be enough motivation to get you going.
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2. Set Goals For Yourself
Before jumping on practices, set a goal of things you aim to achieve, based on the areas you are working on. Also, identify the steps you need to take, then set deadlines. Kindly note, that setting a deadline does not mean you have to struggle and be hard on yourself, it is okay to not meet a deadline as long as there is progress. You can always set another deadline and make sure to meet up with it. Emphasis on ‘don’t get hard on yourself during this process.
3. Make Your Goals Accessible
Another very helpful tip for self-improvement is making your written goals easily accessible. Getting acquainted with your goals will better help you strengthen your focus. Do not let them out of your sight as they can also be out of your mind. Hence, write down your goals and probably, hang them on your wall.
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4. Do Not Procastinate
A major issue you can encounter on the journey of self-improvement is weariness and procrastination. Do not give in. Be courageous and start already, stop postponing your growth.
5. Draft a To-Do List
Drafting out a task routine is definitely not a bad idea. It helps you stay focused and productive. If you stick to a to-do list, you can easily track your progress and get hints on the areas you are lapsing. It is possible to forget some tasks or even run out of time, but a to-do list can be very helpful to curb these lapses.
6. Identify Your Blind Spots
One way or the other, blind spots can affect whatever you are working on. Therefore, it is important to identify your blind spots and work on them. Blind spots can be referred to as an area in which a person lacks understanding or impartiality. Therefore, discovering your blind spots helps you discover your areas of improvement.
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7. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Pandora Poikilos in Excuse Me, My Brains Have Stepped Out said, “We are so accustomed to the comforts of “I cannot”, “I do not want to” and “it is too difficult” that we forget to realize when we stop doing things for ourselves and expect others to dance around us, we are not achieving greatness. We have made ourselves weak.” Therefore, a sign of great progress would also be when you identify your comfort zone and step out of them little by little or as it may require.
8. Cut Down On Screen Time
We tend to spend more time on phones, tablets, computers and other devices and this doesn’t just affect us physically, but also mentally. Therefore, if you are so passionate about your self-development, you need to cut down your screen time and make out enough time for your self-development.
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9. Acknowledge Your Imperfection
When you are not yet perfect with a thing, acknowledge it and continually work on it. You are not perfect and that is fine. Do not think you are the problem or discourage yourself; it is a process and with the right energy, you’ll get there. Rather, encourage yourself and stay on the bright side.
10. Evaluate Your Progress
Make sure to take some time to evaluate your progress. It is very important as that would give you a lead on aspects to concentrate more on and areas to applaud yourself.
Wrapping It Up
Considering that it might be confusing and hard to get started on self-development, this write-up is just the best to serve as a helpful guide. I wish you all the best for taking the courage to go on this journey!