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Postinor is safe but also has side effects

Postinor is not an abortion pill, it is an emergency contraceptive pill” or the morning-after pill, it is safe and also has side effects



Postinor is safe but also has side effect

Postinor prevents pregnancy before it is established by preventing or delaying the release of an egg from the ovary (by preventing ovulation) with the help of a hormone called Levonorgestrel, the same hormone found in many regular contraceptives.

It doesn’t work if you are already pregnant and will not harm an already established pregnancy. The sooner you take POSTINOR, the more effective it is.

However, Postinor is not an abortion pill, it is an „emergency contraceptive pill” or „morning-after pill”, that contains one common female hormone, levonorgestrel, a progestin.

This hormone prevents pregnancy mainly by delaying or preventing ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), thus preventing fertilization

There are two types of postinor; Postinor 1 and Postinor 2. Let’s take look at how these two works and the differences

POSTINOR 1– This is a one-time contraceptive tablet used at the time of emergency. The tablet has the potential to stop 85% of anticipated pregnancies if ingested within 72 hrs of unprotected intercourse. It always comes with one tablet.

postinor 1

POSTINOR 2– Postinor 2 possesses the same active ingredient as Postinor 1 but postinor 2 is another version of postinor medication. Postinor 2 always come with two tablets, It is advised not to take the two tablets at the same time, it is dangerous and will result in messing up things for you. One table can be taken immediately after unprotected intercourse and the second tablet should be taken 12 hours later

postinor 2

The differences of the above types of postinor. Postinor 1 and Postinor 2 are

1) Number of Tablets in Postinor-1 and Postinor-2
Postinor 1

Postinor 1 is just one white and round tablet in one blister sheet

Postinor 2

Postinor 2 contains one blister sheet with two tablets dosage. The tablets in this case also are round and white.

2) Qualitative and Quantitative Composition in Postinor-1 and Postinor-2
Postinor 1

1.5 mg of levonorgestrel progestogen in 1 Tablet/Pack. The tablet cannot be halved.

Postinor 2

Each of the tablets contains 750 micrograms of levonorgestrel progestogen.

3) Dosage of Postinor-1 and Postinor-2
Postinor 1

One tablet should be taken immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse within 12 hours to prevent pregnancy.

Postinor 2

One tablet should be taken immediately after unprotected sex and one should be taken after 12 hours of taking the first one.

4) Manufacturers of Postinor-1 and Postinor-2
Postinor 1

The manufacturers of Postinor 1 worldwide include Gedeon Richter, Rex Medical, Farmage SAC, Intensive Care Products Private Ltd., and Chempharos CO.

Postinor 2

The manufacturers of Postinor 1 worldwide include Gedeon Richter, Shaheen, Delfi Singapore, Biofarma Natural CMD, Genpharma, Society for Family Health, PT Tunggal Idaman Abdi Jakarta, Rex Medical, Family Planning Association of Srilanka, Aciprosalud C.A., Farmage SRL, Intensive Care products Pvt Ltd., Mekim Ltd and Lab Libra.

5) Countries where currently marketed for Postinor-1 and Postinor-2
Postinor 1

Argentina, Venezuela, El Salvador, New Zealand, South Korea, Colombia, Aruba, Australia, Peru, Suriname, Netherlands Antilles, Guatemala, Dominica.

Postinor 2

Albania, Taiwan, Uganda, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Peru, Kenya, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, China, Argentina, Jamaica, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Nigeria, Romania, Montenegro, Yemen, Kenya, Morocco, China, Egypt, India, Trinidad and Tobago, Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Myanmar, Paraguay, Peru, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Uruguay, Venezuela,

However, Postinor is safe but it has some side effects

In what way Postinor is safe and good?

Postinor is an emergency contraceptive pill” or „morning-after pill” is used after unprotected sex to prevent unwanted pregnancies

Postinor help if there is a tear or slip inappropriate use of a condom

It helps if there is disposition or tear or premature removal of diaphragm or pessary

It helps if there is unsuccessfully interrupted coitus.

Postinor helps in rape cases, omitting the ingestion of 3 or more hormonal contraceptive tablets to be taken regularly.

In as much postinor is safe and good, it also has some side effect which hare

* Postinor caused dizziness and nausea

*Postinor is not 100% safe for people with a health condition like asthma, heart failure, hypertension, migraine, epilepsy, renal impairment, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, depression and in case of existing or former thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic diseases or stroke. People with the health condition of the above mentioned can only use postinor for emergency post-coital use only. Not for routine contraceptive use.

*Postinor caused bleeding disturbances, n some cases, 2-3 days following tablet ingestion breakthrough or withdrawal bleeding may occur that generally ceases spontaneously.

*Postinor also affects the menstrual cycle. Your period may be as much as one week early or one week late. If your period is more than one week late, you may want to take a pregnancy test.

* Other side effects of Postinor are



The nature of the consumption of postinor requires that women should have these tablets in possession before they are in need of them.  Clinical studies have reported that these contraceptive emergency tablets have a failure rate of less than 1% and very few side effects. Side effects include 10-15% vomiting and 20-35% bleeding. These side effects can be seen only if more than 4 pills are used in one months’ time.  However, it is important to consult a doctor or a physician before taking these tablets.

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