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Outstanding: How CrossFit led Camille Leblanc-Bazinet to exceed her own expectations



Some people are born just to push their bodies, just to remind themselves and inspire others with what the whole human body is capable of. Camille Leblanc – Bazinet, one of the top ten CrossFitters in the world and a 2014 CrossFit champion, is one such achiever. After a fourteen-year gymnastics career was cut short at the age of 16 due to a hip injury, Camille tried to fill the gap by playing football, volleyball, rugby, skiing and half marathons. She also qualified for the Canada National Weightlifting Championship!

Eventually, CrossFit became the permanent pit stop, where Camille found a platform for all of her skills to compete against the best in the world. However, what makes her a worthy role model is that despite being a natural born athlete, she doesn’t portray herself as bionic. Far from keeping things real, Camille is open about her physical and emotional struggle and her struggle to break through those barriers.

She explains how CrossFit makes her feel empowered and, in a way, underscores the importance of constantly challenging your body and mind.

Push your limits further. You might surprise yourself!

CrossFit carries a reputation for being “dangerous,” and Camille’s family was dead against her for trying it out. Competing against the clock and other athletes, she found that she was going far beyond what she thought possible. With that enthusiasm that comes with achievement, she has not only spearheaded the sport, but has inspired her entire family to get involved.

Learning to look past a pretty face and a thin body

The pressure to look pretty and skinny in today’s material world is intense. Before CrossFIT, Camille was a few pounds overweight at five feet tall and two inches tall and had criticism for her physical mass. When she first competed in the CrossFit Open in 2010 and finished ninth overall, many dismissed her as just a pretty face. She was much thinner and much less muscular than the other female CrossFit athletes.

Being in a sport that demands performanceAs the only measure of self-esteem, Camille has earned her place in the spotlight by going strong in more and more events each year. The gain in size in the form of a few pounds of muscle mass didn’t let Camille down as she found herself getting heavier, running faster and outpacing her competition.

In an interview, Camille confessed

Sharpen your strengths over time and gradually eliminate your weaknesses

In a physically demanding sport that tests you on a range of multidimensional skills, Camille claims that

“I have to gain my strength, and I don’t have to be bad at my weakness. Those are pretty much the two things I’m constantly working on. “

Since life often tests us with unforeseen events, the same approach sounds like sufficient advice for all of us too!

Progress never happens by accident. Camille methodically selects an important new movement or technique that she needs to master for about a month before letting her walk for a while to continue practicing routine, all the workouts she’s good at. She strongly advises against letting your ego take over one thing for too long. She keeps working out

Perseverance creates emotional resilience

Camille’s competency as an Olympic lifter-turner and endurance athlete often makes tough workouts look easy. People underestimate CrossFit’s difficulty in seeing them and getting themselves through the workout. Their bodies are not ready for it yet. Camille explains with amusement that building impressive physical strength is not the work of days, weeks, or months. It takes much longer, and as a full-time professional athlete, she plateaus every other day.

Not giving up is what separates the champion from the crowd. She fits right into her rest days between workouts and, while aware of her limitations, works out diligently even on days when she doesn’t feel like she puts it

“I just go as hard as I can. It’s nice to have people pushing you, but you also need to know how to push yourself. “

Aged 26, height 5′ 2” weighing 59 kg, Camille can sprint 400 meters in 1 minute 20 seconds. She consumes 200 grams of protein divided into six meals a day, which currently translates into a heavy-duty workout at the gym. In addition, Camille is married and studying chemical engineering! When you feel like you’ve reached your full potential. Think again!

Clean & Wank 104 kg
snatch 86 kg
deadlift 136 kg
Back squat 310 lb / 140
Max pull ups 80