NYSC Batch C Begins Orientation Tomorrow
NYSC Batch C Begins Orientation Tomorrow- Prospective Corp Members have been posted for service and will begin the exercise on Nov 2.

- NYSC Batch C Begins Orientation Tomorrow
- Prospective Corp Members have been posted to all 36 States in the country
- There may be no Stream 2 for Batch C Corp Members
The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has announced that the orientation exercise for its final batch (Batch C) will begin tomorrow, Wednesday November 2, 2022.
The Batch C (Stream 1) exercise will run from November 2nd to 22nd. There have been reports that the Batch C Prospective Corp Members (PCMs) may not be divided into two streams as expected. These reports claim that the ASUU strike affected the mobilization of graduates into the scheme.
While there is no confirmation of the speculation, prospective corp members all over the country have been posted to different States to serve the fatherland.
A statement from NYSC revealed that PCMs will have to undergo a COVID-19 Test upon entrance to their respective camp venues.
It read: “All the prospective Corps Members (including the foreign-trained) must present themselves for COVID-19 Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) or present evidence of full vaccination at the Camp before registration
“Prospective Corps Members are advised not to embark on night journey to the Orientation Camps in order not to endanger themselves.
“Details of camp addresses and locations would soon be made public in the national dailies and online media.”
RNN will soon update the public on the locations of the respective camps.