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Qatar 2022: 7 Normal Things That Are Illegal In Qatar

Aside from pre-marital sex, they are quite a number of normal things that are illegal in Qatar. Checkout 7 of them



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The host of the 2022 World cup, Qatar has been on several headlines after its longstanding ban on sex between unmarried people caught the attention of the public. According to reports, the country plans to enforce the ban and not exclude foreign fans who would be in the country for the duration of the tournament and those who violate the ban could face up to seven years in prison. However aside from pre-marital sex, they are quite a number of normal things that are illegal in Qatar.  Let us consider a few of them below.

1. Pre-marital Sex

As stated in the introduction, pre-marital sex is one of the normal things that are illegal in Qatar. The law there criminalizes unmarried sex. This is based on Islamic legal tradition that classifies sex outside of marriage, pregnancy out of wedlock, and adultery as crimes that are punishable by imprisonment of up to seven years.

2. Public drinking

Alcohol or Public drinking is one of the normal things that are illegal in Qatar. It could result in a prison sentence of up to 6 months and/or a fine of up to QAR3,000. Alcohol is available only at licensed hotel restaurants and bars, and expatriates living in Qatar can obtain alcohol on a permit system.

3. Public display of affection

Public display of affection between men and women, even if married, is one of the things that are illegal in Qatar. Couples are only allowed to hold hands, Kissing, hugging canoodling and fondling are forbidden and can get you in serious legal trouble.

4. Living together whilst unmarried

Opposite sex living together whilst unmarried is prohibited in Qatar. Men and women are not permitted to share a home unless they are legally married or are related to each other. This applies to friends, house or flatmates as well and not just couples.

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5. Handshake

Women and Men are not allowed to shake each other in Qatar as the Islamic law forbids unmarried men and women from touching each other. Therefore handshakes between the opposite sex make our list of normal things that are illegal in Qatar.

6. Swearing

Swearing and making rude gestures are one of the normal things that are illegal in Qatar. They are generally considered obscene acts and offenders can be jailed and deported.

7. Photography

Photography is not illegal but it is considered offensive to photograph Muslim women. Photographs of government buildings, mosques and military installations are also not allowed.  Also Posting material (including videos and photographs) online that appears to insult or slander is considered a crime punishable under Qatari law.


For those visiting Qatar for the 2022 World cup, it is imperative that you take this list into consideration. So you don’t get yourself into trouble or spend some jail time in Qatar.
