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Nigerian Man Bags 2 PhDs from Foreign Universities after being Mocked by His Chemistry Teacher

A man named Kelechukwu Onwukamike took to LinkedIn to celebrate his Ph.D. degrees, after being mocked by his teacher 12 years earlier.



A man named Kelechukwu Onwukamike took to LinkedIn to celebrate his Ph.D. degrees, after being mocked by his teacher 12 years earlier.

Kelechukwu Onwukamike who currently holds a Ph.D. in organic and polymer chemistry from KIT Germany and the University of Bordeaux, France, started the post recalling how he told his Chemistry teacher he was going to get an A Grade in his forthcoming GCE A-level Chemistry exam, but the teacher doubted him after going through his work in the exam hall.

5months after, the results were released, Kelechukwu had an A-grade, and 13 years later he got the Germany best Ph.D. award in Chemistry.

He wrote on his LinkedIn post: I had told my teacher then that I would make an A-grade in the subject; not the most easiest subject to get an A-grade.

On the day of the practicals, the teacher came to my desk, looked at my work and shook his head in dismay.

I was worried, disturbed, couldn’t figure out where I had gone wrong.
Then the exam was over and just as I was about to leave the hall, my teacher approached me with one comment “Is this how you are going to have an A-grade in Chemistry”?

Tell my teacher:

5months after, the results were released, I had an A-grade.
4years later, in 2011 I graduated with a First Class degree in Chemistry.
12 years later, in 2019 I graduated with a Double Ph.D. degree in Chemistry
13 years later, in 2020, I got the Germany best Ph.D. award in Chemistry.


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