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100+ Prayer Points For The New Year 2022

New Years are very important: a time to reflect on the past and hope for a better year. Committing to God in prayers is the best way to start the year.



As we all know that prayer changes things, especially when we commit it in the hand of God. Hence, the reason we pray ahead for the New year — to put everything in the hands of Almighty God.

I have written the best 2022 prayer points to help guide you into a happy new year, having in mind the goodness in such and how the scripture encourages us to commit things into God’s hands.

We all know New Years are very important: a time to reflect on the year that just ended and hope for a better year. Praying ahead for a happy new year is the best way to begin 2022.

Everyone believes that the new year 2022 will open doors of blessings, breakthroughs, help that will lead us throughout the 365 days.

Here are some 2022 New Year Prayer Points to help you get started.

These prayer points can be used by anyone not only for Christians.

New Year Prayers for yourself

1. Father, thank you for the New year, I bless your name for making me see this New Year in Joy.

2. Lord, thank you for the things I passed through in the year 2021, thanks for making me overcome it.

3. Father, I appreciate you for the gift of the Holy Spirit which will continually dwell with me in this new year.

4. Dear Lord, thank you for your presence in my life everyday in 2021.

5. Father, let your spirit guide and lead me through the New year 2022.

6. Father, Help me in my decisions and all I desire this year.

7. Father, I ask that you open doors of breakthrough and blessings for me this New Year 2022.

8. Father, cause me to see open doors in all I do.

9. Lord I pray, that every door that was shut against me before, will become open for me in 2022.

10. Dear Lord, help me to be able to achieve all I desire and wish for this 2022.

11. Father help me to make my dreams a reality this new year.

12. Lord I ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding that supersede the expectation of men in 2022.

13. Give me the grace and strength to face every situation that I may encounter in this New year.

14. I commit my ways into hands this new year, deliver me and order my footsteps.

15. Dear Lord, keep me healthy and strong that I may serve you more in 2022.

16. Dear Lord, keep the fire in me burning more for you.

17. Lord, prosper the work of my hands this year. Whatever I lay my hands upon is blessed.

18. May your favour go before me and after me in Jesus name.

19. My God, endue me with abilities, skills and wisdom, which come from above so that my life would bring honour to your name in 2022 and beyond.

20. I shall be celebrated because of your name this new year.

New Year Prayers For Family And Friends.

21. We thank you Lord for your divine protection that kept us through last year. We pray that you will shield and protect us this New Year.

22. Lord, I pray that you bless the works of their hands and make them prosper.

23. Heavenly Father, please give them wisdom and open doors to achieve all their heart desires in this new year.

24. Oh Lord, we pray you order every of our steps so we do not make the wrong move this year. Guide our hearts to make the right decisions at every point in our lives this year 2022.

25. Lord, you are the great provider! I ask that your provision be available in surplus to my friends and family. May they know no lack.

26. I pray this new year to bring them sunshine, joy, peace and happiness.

27. May the Lord see you through this new year.

28. You will prosper in all you do.

29. Oh Lord, you are our comforter in times of trouble. Please be their comfort and light in their darkest times.

30. I pray that God not only grants you long life, but also prosper you to enjoy the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.

New Year Prayers For Your Marriage.

Every Relationship Needs These 3 Things to Survive Forever

Old couples holding hands.

31. Dear God, Please give my husband/wife strength anew this new year. Help him to remember that his strength and grace comes from you. 

32. Heavenly Father, when my husband/wife is feeling weak, please remind him/her of your love and your support, and help him/her to recall my love and support for him/her as well. Help me to be the husband/wife that he needs me to be.

33. Lord, I know that you are the provider of peace. Please help my husband and I to remember this in our lives and to seek your peace at every moment.

34. My love, we have been together through good and bad times, I pray our love continue to wax stronger.

35. Father, give us the strength to be forgiving and tolerant of each other. 

36. Lord, help my husband and I bridle our tongues so we don’t say hurtful things to each other.

37. Heavenly father, fortify us with the strength not to yield to any temptation we may face this new.

38. For you are our provider. I declare that, in this year, my family shall not lack any good thing. May your divine provision speak for us every time we are in need.

39. As we cross to a new year, Lord please help me to continue to submit to my husband and help him to continually love me. May we not grow weary of each other.

40. Father, I pray that you will be our comfort when we face difficult moments.

New Year Prayer Points For Your Business in 2022

41. Father, I pray for the wisdom to go about my business in this year 2022.

42. Lord, prosper the works of my hand this new year 2022. Let everything I lay my hands on proper.

43. I pray this new year open new doors of opportunities for my business to grow and expand.

44. Lord, I ask for the spirit of excellence so that my business can prosper and flourish amidst the competition

45. Father, connect me to the right people to help me succeed in business and announce my business to the world for good this new year.

46. I pray to have more successful deals this year.

47. Father, I declare today that because Jesus is my shepherd, I shall never lack direction in my business.

48. Lord, I pray that you lead me to the right environment where my business shall flourish.

49. This new year, I pray that I shall not be discouraged or overwhelmed in my business

50. Father, I pray for financial liberation this year so that my business shall never be bankrupt.

2022 New Year Prayer Points for Nigeria

35 Nigeria's Famous Achievements Since Independence.

51. Oh Lord, Our help! Please help our leaders and everyone at the helm of power. Help us to help one another

52. Father, we commit Nigeria into your healing hands. Please heal our lands.

53. We pray for selfless and God-fearing leaders to rule over Nigeria in fairness and in truth.

54. Lord, we ask for leadership Wisdom for effective administration geared towards progress and good governance in Nigeria 

55. We prayer you fill the heart of our leaders with your fear so they can deliver their duties as they should.

56. Lord, we pray for peace and tranquillity in all the 36 states of Nigeria.

57. We pray that you help us to show love to one another in Nigeria, irrespective of tribe, race or any difference.

58. We declare the peace of God within our borders, every state, town, neighbourhood and household.

59.  Father, we pray for the Spirit of counsel on every official at the helm of power, help them to submit to your will and your guidance at all times, they see you in all they do, their conscience is fully submitted to you for sensitivity.

60. Heavenly Father, calm every storm in our country Nigeria 

61. To every agent of discord slowing down our unity as a nation, Lord set confusion in their midst and let such gatherings be scattered.

62. Father, let there be an abundance of Peace, blessings, progress and prosperity in Nigeria.

63. We Pray that every battle, bloodshed and unrest cease in Nigeria

64. Oh Lord, please order the steps of our leaders.

65. Father, keep and unite us as a Nation, bind us together with your love.

66. You are the greatest judge. Please vindicate all the innocent people in prison in Nigeria.

67. We pray for all the sick people in Nigeria, Oh God let your mighty healing hands be upon them amen.

68. Father, we pray for an answer to prayers, You are too much to fail. Please hear our voices.

69. Lord, we call on you to protect all the schools in Nigeria from kidnappers, terrorists and every form of evil. 

70. May Nigeria become a testimony for other countries of the world to reference and desire.

Don’t forget to share these prayer points with friends and family.
