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Natural nutrition or dietary supplements? Choose wisely



Aside from pumping iron at the gym, you need outside help to build body muscles. But what should it be? Natural foods or formulated supplements? You should make an informed decision.

It is human nature to always look for solutions to simplify life. Over the past three decades, more and more people have become aware of the importance of fitness, and that’s why we see more athletes today than ever before. But fitness is far from child’s play. A lot of hard work is required. To facilitate this work, athletes take support from nutrition. From synthetic supplement formulations to naturally occurring superfoods, you’ll encounter plenty to choose from. It’s hard to choose the type of diet you need to build muscle on, especially when you’re new to it.

For a novice bodybuilder, any supplement that has been actively advertised may seem immensely attractive. And food seems perfectly normal before these powerful formulations. Before we start detailing pros and cons of these types, let’s make one thing very clear. Any type of nutritional support comes with limitations. We strongly encourage you to keep an open mind and make a decision that best suits your body.

Understand the game of calories

The rules are pretty simple. If you want to gain weight, you should consume more calories than your body needs. If you want to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body needs. The number of calories your body needs depends on various factors such as gender, age, height, weight and BMR. You can use BMR calculator to find your ideal calorie count. The BMR rate is calculated using weight and height. You can use these calculators online.

A man needs about 3200 to 3500 calories at the beginner stage. The fact is that 1 kilogram of human muscle can generate 7700 calories and you need to eat accordingly.

Protein shakes and bars are able to provide you with this large amount of calories in the most convenient way. Likewise, there are some naturally occurring foods that provide excess energy for muscle building. For best results, your goal should be to get quality protein supplements.

How to choose protein supplements

Protein supplements are primarily available in two forms – powder and bar form. Each of these forms of protein offers unique benefits. Some people prefer bars over protein powders because the former type comes in amazing flavors. Far from being flavorful, protein powders are often made to taste sweeter by the addition of synthetic sweeteners. You must try to buy those protein supplements that contain lactose in their formulations because this type of sugar has a very low glycemic index and thus limits the risk of diet-induced diabetes in bodybuilders.

Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. Successful bodybuilders recommend consuming pure amino acid powders to build muscle weight and strength. The only problem is that you have to take a sweetener with this type of supplement since amino acids only work in the presence of a sweetener. Honey is a good choice for sweeteners mixed with pure amino acids. Finding pure amino acid powder can be a hassle. There are frequent falsifications. So make sure that you only buy from a well-known brand.

High calorie superfoods for muscle building

Unless you’re having a hard time gaining some naturally occurring foods can provide you with the extra number of calories you need to build muscle. Whole milk tops the list, followed by a variety of eggs and nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pine nuts. Cashew nuts are typically avoided by bodybuilders because of the type of fat they contain. Nut butters, especially almond butter and peanut butter, are extremely high-calorie foods. Bodybuilders specifically use whole milk. They often consume whole milk (regular) on non-workout days and use flavored milkshakes (chocolate/mango) post-workout to gain post-workout strength. Egg shakes made with protein powder and milk as the base are very energizing.

When you read about bodybuilding regimes by celebrity bodybuilders you will find that they consume both natural foods and supplements to build muscle. A better plan is to create a chart that includes both supplements and superfoods in balanced proportions.
