Top Lists
Top 10 Most Expensive Jewelry In The World
Jewelry has been an important aspect of our life. We’ll be taking a look at the top 10 most expensive jewelry in the world and we know you

Jewelry has been an important aspect of our life, so we’ll be looking at the world most expensive jewelry. When it comes to adornment jewelry is the number item that people subscribe to.
Jewelry is very important in many cultures and across many civilizations. They are of many uses and sometimes of great value that goes way beyond their monetary appeals. While many people across many traditions purchase and wear jewelry in a bid to adorn themselves and look more elegant, others wear jewelry because jewelry plays a very important role in their beliefs.
We’ll be taking a look at the top 10 most expensive jewelry in the world and we know you can’t wait to find out.
Top 10 Most Expensive Jewelry In The World
Jewelry has been of great importance and its use spans thousands of years ago. Some of these pieces of jewelry were heirlooms passed down from generation to generation. We can’t really put a price tag on these kinds of precious items. Meanwhile, we’ll only be looking at the top 10 most expensive jewelry in the world.
10. Chopard 201-Carat Watch ($25 million)
The Chopard watch is a captivating piece of exquisite beauty. This stunning timepiece has 874 diamonds. Three of these diamonds are the largest, and they are all heart-shaped with pink, blue, and white colors.
When this incredibly beautiful watch is held, any slight movement causes the diamonds to shift positions, revealing the face of the watch beneath them. The 201-carat Chopard watch is the most expensive watch in the world, costing a whopping $25 million. Isn’t that incredible?
9. Hutton-Mdivani Jadeite Necklace ($27.4 million)
This Cartier necklace, made of emerald green jadeite beads and secured with a ruby, diamond, platinum, and gold clasp, sold for $27.4 million to the Cartier Collection at auction in 2014.
Barbara Hutton, heiress to the Woolworth fortune, and Princess Nina Mdivani both owned this famous necklace.
Hutton is one of the most expensive jewelry in the world.
8. Graff Pink ($46.2 million)
This 24.78-carat fancy intense pink diamond set auction records in 2010 when it sold for $46.2 to jeweler Laurence Graff. The diamond was originally owned by Harry Winston and kept in his private collection for decades, but Graff recut and renamed it upon his purchase.
7. Blue Moon of Josephine ($48.4 million)
Hong Kong billionaire and collector Joseph Lau paid $48.4 million for this diamond ring at auction in 2015, renaming it the “Blue Moon of Josephine” after his 7-year-old daughter Josephine. The 12.03-carat Blue Moon diamond was discovered in South Africa’s Cullinan mine in 2014.
6. L’Incomparable Diamond Necklace ($55 million)
Jeweler Mouawad created the world’s most valuable necklace, which contains the world’s largest internally flawless diamond.
A young girl discovered the central diamond in a pile of mining rubble in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 1980s. The 407.48-carat diamond is set in a rose gold chain that is encrusted with 230 carats of smaller diamonds.
This beauty is the sixth on our list of most expensive jewelry in the world.
5. Oppenheimer Blue ($57.5 million)
This blue diamond stunned viewers when it fetched $57.5 million at a Christie’s auction in May 2016. This 14.62 emerald-cut stone, once owned by Sir Philip Oppenheimer, was the most expensive jewel ever sold at auction at the time.
4. Pink Star ($71.2 million)
3. Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond ($80 million)
This 35.56-carat diamond is said to have been owned first by King Philip IV of Spain and was included in the dowry of his daughter, Margarita Teresa when she married Emperor Leopold I of Austria in 1664.
Renowned jeweler Laurence Graff got a good deal when he purchased the Wittelsbach diamond for $22 million and had it recut to 31.06 carats after it had been part of the Austrian and Bavarian crown jewels for centuries. Laurence Graff resold the diamond in 2011 for an eye-watering $80 million to a member of Qatar’s royal family.
2. Peacock Brooch by Graff Diamonds ($100 million)
Graff Diamonds launched the Peacock Brooch in 2013 at the TEFAF luxury arts and antique fair in the Netherlands, with a carat weight of 120.81. This magnificent jewel is composed of 1,305 gemstones, including white, yellow, pink, orange, and green diamonds, with the incredible blue diamond weighing 20.02 carats on its own. The Peacock Brooch, which is only about 10 centimeters tall, costs $100 million.
1. The Hope Diamond ($200-250 million)
The Hope Diamond, one of the world’s most famous jewels, is a 45.42-carat fancy dark grayish-blue antique cushion cut diamond worth between $200 and $250 million. The diamond has changed hands numerous times since its discovery in Golconda, India in 1666.
King Louis XIV purchased the diamond in 1668 and renamed it the “French Blue.” The diamond was in the possession of the French royal family until 1792, when it was stolen as part of the looting of the crown jewels during the French Revolution. The jewel reappeared in Henry Philip Hope’s gem collection catalog in 1839. The gem was purchased by jeweler Harry Winston in 1949 after passing through several owners, including Pierre Cartier and socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean.
Winston eventually donated the jewel to the Smithsonian Institution, where it is still on display.
The hope diamond is the most expensive jewelry in the world which cost an estimated of $250 million.
Top 10 Most Expensive Jewelry In The World
Here is a quick rundown of the most expensive jewelry in the world
- The Hope Diamond – $200-250 million
- Peacock Brooch by Graff Diamonds – $100 million
- Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond – $80 million
- Pink Star – $71.2 million
- Oppenheimer Blue – $57.5 milliion
- L’Incomparable Diamond Necklace – $55 million
- Blue Moon of Josephine – $48.4 million
- Graff Pink – $46.2 million
- Hutton-Mdivani Jadeite Necklace – $27.4 million
- Chopard 201-Carat Watch – $25 million