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Celebrity Biographies

Marcos Mundstock



He was the most recognizable voice of the Argentine humorous ensemble Les Luthiers. Marcos Mundstock passed away on April 22, 2020, at the age of 77, in Buenos Aires. “After more than a year of dealing with a health problem that became irreversible, Marcos, our partner and friend, finally left,” explains the statement from his teammates from the emblematic team. “From now on, each one of us must begin to walk the painful path of learning to live with his absence. But not today. Thinking about departures or absences today is too sad for us. Today we prefer to evoke everything that Marcos gave us and We will keep with us forever.”

Born in Santa Fe on May 25, 1942, into a Jewish family,  Marcos Mundstock  was fond of music from a young age. “In my house you always listened to it, my dad loved it,” he recalled. When I was a kid, we listened to radio programs from the Italian community. This is how I met several famous tenors, such as Beniamino Gigli and Tito Schipa. We listened to a lot of Neapolitan songs, and also opera arias. That was for me a first approach to music, with great enjoyment”.

When he finished secondary school in Buenos Aires, he began his Engineering degree, which he would drop out in the third year. In the college choir he met Gerardo Masana and the future members of Les Luthiers, a group that would be founded in 1967. With Masana he created the character of the fictitious composer Johann Sebastian Mastropiero, on whose life and work many musical pieces they performed were based, and he became the narrator of their introductions. He became a phenomenon in Argentina, but also in all Spanish-speaking countries, for example, in Spain the locations sold out months before his performances.

Starting in the 90s,  Marcos Mundstock  began playing roles, first for television, in shows by comedian Tato Bores. With the arrival of the 21st century, he lavished himself on secondary characters for films such as  Roma ,  It’s not you, it’s me ,  Cama adentro  and he even made a cameo in  Torrente 3: the protector . He said goodbye to the cinema with his most important role, one of the protagonists of  El cuento de las cosamorejas , by  Juan José Campanella , where he played the sarcastic retired screenwriter Martín Saravia.
