Luis Piedrahita is one of the most common faces on television, although his private life is a mystery as he jealously guards it to keep it away from the press. We discover his age , his unknown partner , and we remember what he did with his gallbladder in El Hormiguero .

He was born in the city of La Coruña in 1977, being a great fan of magic since he was very young. This led him to win some prizes at the end of the 90s in the Micromagic section, his specialty.

At the same time, he studied Audiovisual Communication at the University of Navarra, specializing in scriptwriting, so after finishing his studies he began working at Telecinco, although he never showed his face in front of the cameras.


He was the winner of the first monologue contest of ‘El club de la comedia’, a program he joined as a scriptwriter and regular stand-up artist, where he began working at the controls of Pablo Motos, the program’s coordinator for that area.

Thanks to forging that relationship with the Valencian, he joined his following projects, being one of the collaborators of ‘We are nobody’, the radio program from which ‘ El Hormiguero ‘ was born. After the success of the space on M80 radio, the completed team managed to transfer their universe to television, first on Cuatro and since 2012 on Antena 3.

In the program he has coincided with great companions such as Juan del Val , Jandro, Marron, Juan and Damian, El mago Yunke , Carlos Latre and JJ Vaquero , among others.

Beyond his career on television, Luis Piedrahita has had a great career in theater thanks to shows like: ‘It’s my word against mine’, ‘The tonsils of my tonsils are my tonsils’, ‘Castilian is a commendable language, no matter who speaks it’, ‘Why do older people always build swings on top of a puddle?’ and ‘God made the world in seven days… and it shows.’

e also has a dozen published books such as: ‘Changing very little something goes from being well written to being bad scrotum’, ‘This century is getting long for me’, ‘Castilian is a laudable language, whoever speaks it ‘, ‘Why do grown-ups always build swings on top of a puddle?’, ‘God made the world in seven days… and it shows’, ‘How often do you have to wash pajamas?’, ‘A peanut floating in a pool… is it still a nut?’.


Ximena Feijó is the Argentine who has managed to steal the heart of the El Hormiguero collaborator. As Vanitatis assures, she “is dedicated to artistic representation and is one of the faces behind Producciones El Espectador, an agency in charge of theatrical productions and artistic direction of theatrical and audiovisual projects.”

Although the couple is very discreet, they have shared some moments on social networks of some moments of rest and travel. They have also shown that they know how to combine the couple with work.


Luis Piedrahita carried out in ‘El Hormiguero’ one of the most curious solidarity actions that can be remembered on television. In 2008 they had to remove his gallbladder, a moment he took advantage of to save it and auction it off among viewers of the program, then on Cuatro. The proceeds went to help those suffering from West syndrome, a childhood disease that affects babies between 0 and 12 months and causes epileptic seizures.