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Lolita seville



“Americans, they come to Spain fat and healthy” and “Olé my mother, olé my mother-in-law and olé my aunt”. Lolita Sevilla made the song “Welcome Mister Marshall” by Luis García Berlanga famous. The singer and actress died on December 16, 2012 at the age of 78 at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid.

Born in the city to which she would refer her artistic name, on March 20, 1935, Ángeles Moreno Gómez made her debut as a singer at the Teatro San Fernando, in Seville, when she was only 10 years old. She adopted her nickname ‘de guerra’ almost by chance, when she was lent a professional license, necessary to be able to get on the stage, in the name of Dolores Sevilla, because being a minor, she could not obtain the his own.

She was only 17 years old when the producer Joaquín Reig discovered her in a Madrid room. He decided that she had a chance to succeed in the cinema and entrusted Juan Antonio Bardem and Luis García Berlanga with the task of launching a film to show off the young artist, in which she sang several songs.

But Bardem and Berlanga, with the help of Miguel Mihura , concocted Bienvenido Mister Marshall , in which all the musical themes were, but which also expressed in a scathing and satirical tone marvelously the disappointing taste in the mouth that the promised aid had left behind. by the Americans after the war, who passed by Spain.

Indeed, the songs were there, Lolita Sevilla performed several numbers, including the now famous “Americans, we welcome you with joy…”.

Shortly after this classic of Spanish cinema with an ensemble character, Lolita Sevilla starred in La chica del Barrio , by Ricardo Núñez , followed by Malagueña , played by Antonio Molina . She became a huge celebrity, but they say that when she appeared in her hometown, she was still the same simple girl as always.

He also appeared in the comedy El fotógénico , with José Luis Ozores , and after the musical film Habanera , he practically withdrew from cinema. He returned to play a secondary role in What it costs to live , an adaptation of a work by Carlos Arniches . From that moment on, Lolita Sevilla concentrated on her musical career. She married José María Gallardo, now deceased.
