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Law makers demand full autonomy for Local Government

The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Wase; and Minority Leader of the House, Ndudi Elumelu, have demanded full autonomy for local governments in Nigeria, noting that it is the only way dividends of democracy can get to the people at the grassroots.



The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Wase; and Minority Leader of the House, Ndudi Elumelu, have demanded full autonomy for local governments in Nigeria, noting that it is the only way dividends of democracy can get to the people at the grassroots.

Wase and Elumelu made their request in Abuja on Thursday, at a leadership training sponsored by the Minority Leader for chairmen and councilors of Local Government Areas in Delta State.

The Deputy Speaker stated that President Muhammadu Buhari had signed an Executive Order to declare financial autonomy for Local Governments.

Wase said, “As for me, first as a member of parliament representing my constituency and my people, I think I am on the same page with my constituents to have an autonomous local government system, anchored on the generosity of what the President has done.

“If you remember sometime in the past, he signed an Executive Order to have financial autonomy for local government. It is not just about financial autonomy; we should also have a complete independence of their administration, apart from their finances. That is the only way it can work, to make Nigeria and Nigerians great.”

Elumelu said there is a need to lobby governors to allow local governments to function independently.

His words: “What we need is lobbying. There is the need for those fears of the governors (to be allayed). One of the states that voted for local government autonomy (in the Constitution review exercise by the 8th National Assembly) was Delta State. My governor supported it the last time when it came, in 2015-2019 amendment/alteration (exercise); he supported it. And the Houses of Assembly that supported it were about 10 states that voted in favor of it; Delta was among them.

So, the issue about my state voting for it again is not a question. It is now left for other States to know that there is a need for them to emulate what Delta has done by supporting it. So, if Delta State can support it, I don’t see any other state that should not support local government autonomy.

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