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Kathy bates



Towanda! tremendous. immense. Cool. Kathy Bates is a treat for any character in any movie. She can be the lovely lady that everyone wants to have next door, and the crazy psychotic that makes Hannibal Lecter himself shudder. She will make you cry in the most tragic of stories and laugh in the most hilarious of comedies. She is just magnificent.

The biggest. Many can remain in the evidence of their physique, far from the patterns of the ideal of beauty that sneaks into every corner of daily life. She is far from being a top model and topping the list of the most beautiful on the red carpet. To anyone who lingers in this Bates façade, the trees won’t let them see the forest. If it is the largest, it is for many other reasons. Because when he’s on stage nothing else matters anymore; because she is capable of interpreting any character; because she has never given up; because she has always kept fighting; because she’s brilliant at her job, but she’s down to earth; because she is one of the best.

Kathy Bates was born on June 28, 1948 in Memphis. Her love of acting began in high school, so as soon as she finished high school she enrolled at Southern Methodist University. After finishing her studies, she moved to New York to try her luck in the theater. It was the seventies, and Kathy had to fight a lot to show her talent. Not only was she not the pretty one on duty, but she was fat, a very serious handicap in the profession to which she wanted to dedicate herself. “I’ve never been naive,” she says. The hardest part was “dealing with the way people saw you,” she recalls. But she was not discouraged and she spent many years on the boards, where she managed to gain a foothold. It was the seventies, and right in 1971 she made her film debut with a very secondary role in the Milos Forman film Hopeless Youth.. Credited as Bobo Bates, it is not difficult to understand that if the theater was not especially prepared for his physique, the cinema was even less so. In fact, some of the works with which she succeeded on Broadway were made into movies, but in Hollywood they didn’t even consider that she could play the lead, as happened in Frankie & Johnny . The exception came in 1982 with Go Back to the Dirty Store, Jimmy Dean . Robert Altman himself made the play a film, and Kathy reprized the supporting role of her. But there was still much to do.

In the 1980s, he alternated his theater work –increasingly recognized– with minor films and some chapters in television series. His big break came in 1990 with Rob Reiner ‘s Misery , based on the Stephen King novel . His brilliant composition of the psychotic Annie who tormented the character of James Caan, gave half the world goosebumps. The work helped her win the Oscar, something that changed her life: “The Oscar changes everything. Better salary, the possibility of working with better people, better projects, more exposure, less privacy”. A year after winning the statuette, she married fellow actor Tony Campisi, with whom she had lived for 12 years. Her marriage lasted until 1997. So, her nineties gave her some discomfort on a personal level, but on a professional level they were a complete success. A year after Misery came Fried Green Tomatoes . Kathy nailed a character that she has reprized just as brilliantly in other titles like Our Own Home .(1993). The actress completely shed her crazy maniac to embody a long-suffering housewife. Her endearing Evelyn conquered the public from the first moment, not only because of her kindness, but because of her ability to overcome and fight for what and those she believes in and for those she loves. Towanda! An example of a real woman with real problems and even more real solutions. An everyday superhero.

In Our own home he had his first leading role, something that has not been very frequent in his career. She returned to repeat the main role in Total Eclipse (1995), again under the orders of Rob Reiner and again in an adaptation of Stephen King. Back to the restlessness and uncertainty: will this suave housewife be a murderer, or will she once again be a day-to-day survivor in a hostile environment? If Bates had shown that she could perfectly embody that nothing is what it seems, in Titanic (1997) she presented herself without cheating or cardboard. She returned to the more affectionate side of her, to be an endearing and fun first class passenger. This character has in common with that of Primary Colors(1998) his practical vision of life. She played John Travolta ‘s counselor and was again nominated for an Oscar.

But not everything is going to be putting the viewer in the pocket, so we had to return to the most hateful facet. What a great overprotective mother she was in the mediocre The Waterboy ( 1998) and what a wicked orphanage director she was in the musical Annie (1999) . Perfect, she had been that adorable lady, that perfidious woman and now… she Now it’s time for her to have a laugh. Jack Nicholson ‘s mother-in-law of her in About Schmidt (2002) earned her another Oscar nomination. She is superb playing somewhat peculiar mothers who you don’t know if you want to kill or choose as a table companion at a dinner. If fun was her crazy mother in this title, she was no less fun in Relative Strangers(2006), where to top it off she was married to Danny DeVito . She has recently been seen in supporting roles in Ultimatum on Earth (2008) and Revolutionary Road (2008). She just shot Personal Effects and Cheri , directed by Stephen Frears . Curiously, in these two titles, pending release, she has shared the bill with Michelle Pfeiffer . The gorgeous actress was the one who stole her role in Frankie & Johnny , for obvious reasons. Even so, it is essential to point out that, as is said of Michelle or other talented beauties such as Julia Roberts, that delight the eye, in the case of Kathy Bates it can be stated with total emphaticity that it is a pleasure for all the senses.
