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Celebrity Biographies

John hughes



John Hughes was in New York visiting relatives. During the morning walk he was taking, he suffered the heart attack that took his life. He was 59 years old.

He was the director who revolutionized adolescent cinema in the 80s. Two titles, Sixteen Candles (1984) and The Club of Five (1986) were enough to make him worthy of this recognition by all the scholars of films for ‘teenagers’. The young girl who suffers because the others forget her sixteenth birthday, or the group that has to go to school on Saturday as punishment, were premises that served to unfold the small great tragedies that are suffered in the so-called ‘turkey age’.

John Hughes was born in Lansing, Chicago, on February 18, 1950. Although he moved into the world of advertising, he liked comic ideas, and in fact his first work for the cinema would be his humorous ideas for the Lines ofThe vacation of a crazy American family (1983). And although he directed eight films, what he liked the most was conceiving ideas and writing scripts, which he put on paper at full speed, which is why he signed many film scripts, produced by him, even though he was not the director. Of these, the most celebrated are the first two installments of the Home Alone saga , which served for the discovery of Macaulay Culkin , that charming boy from a large family, who was forgotten at home and had to face some clumsy thieves. Along these lines, the funny The little one goes on a march was another success(1994), which was in the form of a story. In his role as a screenwriter he delivered many familiar titles, based on comics (Daniel the Naughty), Disney characters ( Flubber , 101 Dalmatians (More Alive Than Ever) ), and Christmas classics ( Miracle in the City ). Although in recent times he has not lavished himself, he continued to conceive arguments that he signed with the pseudonym Edmond Dantes, as in the case of Not so hard to peel or It happened in Manhattan . Curiously John Candy , one of the actors with whom he worked repeatedly -he even starred in Alone with our uncle-, also died suddenly at the age of 44. Hugues leaves a wife, Nancy, 39, two children and four grandchildren.
