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Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris The President In Viral Video

The executive President of the United State of America Joe Biden as once again referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as President Harris in a viral video.



There Is No Need To Enforce Another Lockdown Over The Omicron variant - Joe Biden

The executive President of the United State of America Joe Biden as once again referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as President Harris in a viral video.

The gaffe which isn’t the first by the president was made while speaking about voting rights on the campus of Clark Atlanta University and Morehouse College on Tuesday, January 11.

Referencing last year’s Capitol Hill riot on January 6, he told the crowd:

‘Last week, President Harris and I stood in the United States Capitol to observe one of those before and after moments in American history.

Biden has referred to his second-in-command as ‘President Harris’ multiple times since coming into office – including at a speech in South Carolina last month.

This continuous error has made many people question if the president is suffering from cognitive decline as claimed by Donald Trump and the Republicans during the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has also stated that there is no need to enforce another lockdown over the Omicron Covid variant.

Biden noted that the variant is a “cause for concern, not a cause for panic” saying the US doesn’t need to have lockdowns over it.

Two days after the variant was detected in North America, Biden said he saw no need for a lockdown “for now”, adding, “if people are vaccinated and wear their masks”.

Cases have been found in Canada, and the US has imposed travel bans on eight African countries including South Africa.

Despite the production of vaccines and Biden’s election vow to “shut down” the virus, more Americans died this year from Covid than last year when Donald Trump was president.
