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Celebrity Biographies

Jessica Simpson



She is known more as a singer than as an actress, but in cinema she has enjoyed success with Dos locos y muchas curvas . And while Jessica Simpson hasn’t made many more movies, she is considered one of the most seductive presences on the screen.

Born in Abilene (Texas), on July 10, 1980, Jessica Ann Simpson was going to be a singer and began at a very young age taking her first steps in a church choir. At 12 she went to castings and she was about to be signed to “The Disney Club”, but when she got to the final test she was totally paralyzed and finally they didn’t choose her.

He also came close to releasing a record with a small company, Proclaim Records, which went bankrupt before his work was released. Her father decided to take her to concerts on the Christian music circuit, where she was very successful. Thus, she attracted the song to the president of Columbia Records / Sony Music, who signed her in 1997. Following her debut album, “Sweet Kisses”, she became a celebrity.

Jessica Simpson did not appear in the cinema until in 2005 she was offered a contract for Curvy and Curvy , where she was Daisy Duke, the cousin of the protagonists, who was characterized by wearing the shortest shorts ever seen on screen. The tape was number 1 in the United States, although in the rest of the world it had less impact.

However, she did not revalidate her success with Employee of the Month , nor with The Guru of Good Vibes , one of Mike Myers ‘ biggest box office fiascos , where she had a cameo, much less with Blonde and Bombshell, a second-rate comedy in which he starred with Luke Wilson .

For the moment, it seems to have left the cinema a bit parked, and Jessica Simpson concentrates on her musical career, where she is going from strength to strength. Divorced from singer Nick Lachey , she has had several romances and is engaged to soccer player Eric Johnson .
