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Celebrity Biographies

Jennifer hudson



The new Cinderella is a girl from a humble background, who doesn’t dream of princes, but of putting out a gospel record, and succeeding in music contests on the small screen. And although instead of leaving the dance at twelve o’clock, what happened is that they kicked her out early from a television program like ‘Operación Triunfo’, they immediately went to see her, not with a glass slipper, but with a curious proposition : to star in the film adaptation of a musical. When Jennifer Hudson has grandchildren, she won’t have to make up fairy tales: she’ll be able to tell them about her own life.

Born on September 12, 1981, in Chicago (Illinois), at the age of seven her grandmother realized that she had an exceptional voice, and she took her with her to the local church choir rehearsals. She caused a sensation during Sunday services, but this was her only musical training, because coming from a poor family, she could never afford singing classes. Of course, she got a job as an entertainer on a cruise organized by Disney for children, in which she sang songs from the movie Hercules .. When the tests for ‘American Idol’ began, the American version of ‘Operation Triumph’, Jennifer Hudson decided to try her luck, although she was apparently sure that she would not be chosen. “I hadn’t even considered making a career as a singer, but I wanted to be able to say one day that she at least tried when she was young.” She left the jury so surprised that they did not hesitate to choose her to participate in the reality show, which broke all audience records. And although she reached the final and became as popular as Chenoa or Rosa, in the Spanish version, curiously enough, she was eliminated earlier than expected, which caused rivers of ink to flow expressing disagreement.

Although her elimination from ‘American Idol’ was a jug of cold water, no one remembers the winner of that year, while she received a call from the production team led by director Bill Condon . He was seeing a hundred applicants for the role of Effie in Dreamgirls , for which he had to sign a powerful voice. And of course, in a matter of voices, Jennifer Hudson was the most suitable, so he decided to give her the role. They say that in the US the public applauded wildly in theaters every time she performed one of the songs. Such a brilliant debut in a musical has not been remembered since Funny Girl , Barbra Streisand ‘s first film., which won the Golden Globe and the Oscar for best actress. Repeating that feat was unthinkable, but Jennifer Hudson has achieved both titles as a junior, and she has won other prestigious awards, including the Bafta. And that she has not yet managed to make her initial dream come true: to record a solo album.
