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‘Japa’: Reps reject motion to stop Nigerian youths from migrating



Japa: Reps reject motion to stop Nigerian youths from migrating

The House of Representatives on Thursday rejected a motion to address the issue of Nigerian youths migrating to other countries which is locally called Japa. The motion, which was sponsored by Hon. Sergius Ogun, was rejected by the lawmakers because it was not urgent.

The motion was titled “Need to declare emigration of Nigerian youths abroad AKA Japa Syndrome a national emergency”. In his motion, Hon. Ogun said that the increasing number of Nigerians migrating to other countries is a threat to the country’s economy and security. He said that the government should take steps to address the root causes of migration, such as unemployment, insecurity, and poor infrastructure.

However, the motion was rejected by the lawmakers after a brief debate. Some lawmakers argued that the issue of migration is not urgent enough to warrant a national emergency. Others said that the government is already doing enough to address the root causes of migration.

The rejection of the motion has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have criticized the lawmakers for not taking the issue of migration seriously, while others have said that the government should focus on addressing the root causes of migration instead of declaring it a national emergency.

The issue of migration is a complex one, and there is no easy solution. However, the government needs to do more to address the factors that are driving Nigerians to leave the country.

These are just some of the factors that are driving Nigerians to migrate. The government needs to do more to address these factors if it wants to stop Nigerians from leaving the country.

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