It’s cool to be honest but never tell your partner these 8 words
Truly, relationships are all about being open and honest; yeah! I guess I’m right. However, there are just some things you should never, ever tell your partner

Truly, relationships are all about being open and honest; yeah! I guess I’m right. However, there are just some things you should never, ever tell your partner and your momma probably won’t tell you what they are. So we will “ here are the top five things you should never, under any circumstances, tell your partner.
1. How many sexual partners you’ve had.
Trust us, your partner does not need to know this information. Here’s why: if you’ve only had a few sexual partners, he might wonder if you’ll be tempted to stray later on in the relationship.
If the number is too high” and who knows what that arbitrary number might be (no, don’t ask him!)” he/she might think you’re loose (to use a kind word). So just don’t tell them. If they ask, just smile mysteriously and answer something like Enough to know how fantastic you are!
2. Divorce
“Once you throw out this ‘D’ word, especially in anger, it’s like a bell has been rung, and you can’t unring it,” says relationship expert and advice columnist April Masini.
“Throwing out ‘divorce’ is like throwing down the third rail. You shouldn’t touch it. You shouldn’t say it unless you mean it. And you definitely shouldn’t use it as a tool to get your partner’s attention. ” It is a dangerous word to use while joking with your partner.
4. That you have had several abortions
Producing babies is one of the biggest joys of Nigerian couples. Nigerian ladies I believed are wise enough to know that this detail is a no-go area; guys don’t have a vagina or womb that gives the ability to transform a sack of cells into a baby within nine months, so they may not really know how it feels to be impregnated or the factor that pushes you to abort it.
In the process of trying to be honest with your past, you are giving him reasons to paint you black and to doubt the future. He will think you may be barren in the future which may or may not occur if you are that type with many abortion histories
5. Calm Down
How sweet it appears, it’s crazy.
There are few things more condescending than someone telling you to calm down in the middle of an argument; telling an adult to calm down can be seen as dismissive. It can also demonstrate your partner’s lack of respect when it comes to your feelings.
No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who treats their feelings like they’re invalid.
6. How hot their best friend, siblings, or (God forbid!) parent is.
Unless you’ve got the hots for a celebrity that you’ll never meet in real life, keep your crushes a secret. Otherwise, he/she’ll become suspicious of anything you say or do around the person and it’s not fair to either of you to cause that kind of havoc in your relationship. As far as your partner is concerned, he’s the hottest person you know.
7. That you hate their body
Body shaming is the crazy act or practice of mocking or making critical comments about the body shape of your partner.
Body shaming is often embarrassing for the person who is being shamed, although the person making the comments may not always be intentionally trying to hurt them.
Really most people are not always pleased with the shape of their and are ready to do anything to improve it if given the opportunity, but when a partner constantly lampoons the body of the other, certain things will be achieved: you are feeding your mind with toxic taught that may hurt.
8. You don’t turn me on anymore