How To Make Money on Instagram in Nigeria 2022
in this article, we will discuss all you need to know on how to make money on Instagram in Nigeria in 2022.

You are probably wondering how will I make money on Instagram in Nigeria. Well, in this article, we will discuss all you need to know on how to make money on Instagram in Nigeria in 2022.
With over 500 million active users, and 50 million+ monthly users, Instagram ranks among the most popular social networking websites today. It is a social media platform that is used by people from all walks of life.
From popular celebrities to the average Nigerian who owns an internet-enabled smartphone. However, do you know that you can actually be making money from Instagram? As you continue to read this post, you will see how you can be making money on Instagram in Nigeria.
1. Open an Account and Build Followers
The first step to actually earning from Instagram is to open an account, a professional one to be precise, set up your profile and build followership. Instagram allows you to be able to provide a link to your website on your profile.
So, you want to make sure you take out time to really write a good and brief introduction. Write an intro about yourself and/or your business and input a link to your website or blog.
After you set up your profile, the next big thing is to start building your followership and start marketing whatever products or services you have to offer. You want to make sure you have as many followers as possible so as to boost your chances of being seen. Once you are being seen, you can transform leads to sales, and make more money.
2. Choose a Niche
Choosing a niche really matters f you are really serious about making money on Instagram in Nigeria. You can be a chef, makeup artist, influencer, comedian, musician, writer, trader etc. You know what you are good at. So choose that.
3. Share Quality and Relatable Contents
If you are that type that is really serious about making money on Instagram in Nigeria, you must share quality and relatable images, videos, and whatnot) with your subscribers.
Instagram is all about sharing very high-quality content; so you must ensure your contents are of very high quality. Also, it is important you keep the contents you share closely related to anything you are promoting; whether about yourself, or your products and/or services.
4. Share Testimonials with Followers
One of the things that move people is the success story. Therefore, if you are really serious about making money on Instagram in 2022, you have to get testimonials from your previous customers who have used your product/service.
All you need do is to look for customers who are ready to give testimonials and get them to share pictures and videos of themselves benefiting from your products and how much they enjoyed using your products.
This is a great way of giving convincing proof to your followers to get them to keep using and enjoying your products. The importance of reference can not be overemphasized.
5. Publish Sponsored Posts/ Promoting Affiliate Links
One beautiful thing about this is you don’t really need a huge amount of followers to be approached by big businesses for a sponsored post. It is the level of engagement your account drives that matters.
More so, most businesses are ready to pay for the promo if it offers results. Hence, it’s easy to discover high-quality affiliate marketing programs that use recurring commissions if your recommendations earn money memberships. When done right, affiliate links can bring big cash.
6. Utilize the Instagram Video Tool
One of the amazing ways you can make money on Instagram in Nigeria is through the exciting Instagram video tools, that provides good marketing for your products and services.
The video function is one-way users can share a 15-second video with followers.
All you have to do is get creative and come up with several ways you could be promoting your business and make more money using the video function.
You could get personal with your followers and share a video that encourages them to try out any latest product you have to offer. In fact, there is only so much you can actually get done using this feature.
7. Always Promote Yourself
Yes, you might probably be thinking ‘what do I even have to promote on Instagram?’ You really can promote yourself. Remember the goal of why you open the account is to make money from the niche you choose.
So, therefore, it is that field you want people to know about you, you really need to promote. What you don’t know is how much popularity it would bring you. In turn, this would mean more money to you.
There are a lot of people becoming famous on Instagram; the Instagram models, Instagram stars, and whatnots. Carefully search yourself, and chances are you may have something to actually promote. Something you may have not given much thought.