How to Discipline High School Students Without Enforcing Corporal Punishment.
A detailed article on how to discipline high school students without enforcing corporal punishment.

A video showing some students of an Islamic school in Kwara State being subjected to intense flogging went viral recently, the students were said to have attended a birthday party and reportedly took alcohol during the outing which was said to be against the rules of the institution.
The clip had provoked a backlash on social media, as many Nigerians condemned the handling of the students by the school authorities which eventually led the Kwara state government to suspend the head of the Islamic School.
Students’ misbehavior is a prevailing problem affecting schools not only in Nigeria but also across the many nations around the world. Students’ misconduct in the classroom interferes with teaching and learning and is thought to be a precursor to later school dropout and similar negative social outcomes.
The indiscipline problem in schools is ranked as a major problem among students of secondary schools in Nigeria. So schools must provide a well-understood sound behavior and discipline policy.
Throughout the history of education, corporal punishment was regarded as a means of maintaining discipline in schools. In practice corporal punishment means that students are punished with, cane, paddle, or strap if they did something wrong.
However, stakeholders in education have condemned corporal punishment on the basis that is out of all proportion. Some noted that when punishment is out of all proportion to the mistake, it breeds antagonisms to the school. Stressing the fact that the child becomes more hostile, leads to a large number of psychological and physiological troubles.
Others argued that if education means the act of leading out, the act of unfolding, the act of developing then corporal punishment could never be educative. Concluding that it will not enable the child to adjust himself to the environment, the child may become indiscipline and quarrelsome and may become antisocial
Here are 5 ways to discipline high school students without enforcing corporal punishment.
1. Detention
This requires the pupils to remain at school at a given time of the school day (such as lunch, recess, or after school) or even to attend school on a non-school day, e.g. “Saturday detention”
2. Suspension or Temporary Exclusion
This is mandatory leave assigned to a student as a form of punishment that can last anywhere from one day to several weeks, during which time the pupils cannot attend regular lessons. The student‟s parents/guardians are notified of the reason for and duration of the out-of-school suspension.
3. Deprivation of Privilege
It is a useful and efficient form of punishment. Several studies have affirmed that loss of position, prohibition from playing any game in the school compound for a certain period could go a long way in improving the wrongdoer.
4. Moral Punishment
Moral punishment such as apologies, public or private degrading from positions, are better options to discipline high school students. However, it is contended that great care and discernment are needed before such a form of punishment is resorted to because it could never halt the self-respect of the wrongdoer.
5. Exclusion or Expulsion
Withdrawing or permanent exclusion is the removal of a pupil permanently from the school. This is the ultimate last resort when all other methods of discipline have failed. However, in extreme situations, it may also be used for a single offense.