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How to be a high Value Man

If your life is not going well & you find yourself struggling with women, friendships, & opportunities,

it’s because you aren’t high value enough. Implement these 5 M’s & increase your value, win in life and enhance the quality of your relationships.



If your life is not going well & you find yourself struggling with women, friendships, & opportunities,
it’s because you aren’t high value enough. Implement these 5 M’s & increase your value, win in life and enhance the quality of your relationships.
  1. MONEY & Affluence: Money buys comfort. You have access to things many don’t, you have more power, freedom, and leverage.
  2. MIND: Be well informed about a plethora of topics like sports, movies, politics, history. Be well-read & eloquent. Learn a new language, Know about art, fashion, gaming, photography, etc. Learn multiple skills. As a man be interesting, understand nuanced concepts. Be a pleasure to be around. Whether for sexual desire/business opportunity intellect is ATTRACTIVE.
  3. Social MILIEU: How are your social skills? Is your status high enough for the women you want? Do your social circles enhance your life? Do you have a reputation that precedes you? Does your social media attract the opportunities/women you want? enhance your social skill.
  4. MUSCLE/Looks: Be in shape. You don’t have to be the hulk or wear expensive clothes, but having a well-defined masculine frame will make you look better in even simple clothes. Appearance, Hygiene, and posture are essential. Men will want to BE you & women will want to be with you.
  5. MASCULINITY: Are you competent at what you do? Can you fight? Handle conflict? hold your ground & be courageous in tough situations? Do you crumble or do you find solutions? Being dominant, emotionally intelligent (logical ) & focused on adversity is absolutely imperative. This one is paramount!
  6. BE ON YOUR PURPOSE ( no matter how little ) CHASE EXCELLENCE. FOCUS! Win or whine. It’s up to you. Life will always pipe you down if you have a defeatist attitude.

Excerpt from Emediong Sunday

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