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Celebrity Biographies

Hector Colome



The Argentine actor who has lived in Spain for decades, Héctor Colomé, died in Madrid as a result of cancer, at the age of 71, on February 28, 2015.

Born in Córdoba (Argentina) on October 25, 1944, Héctor Buffa Colomé studied Economics and Theater at the National University, before dedicating himself to the acting profession. The producer of the play with which he made his debut in Madrid removed the last name “Buffa” from the posters, because it sounded bad to him, but the public and critical success that the actor obtained was so enormous that he decided to stay at Héctor Colomé, despite that upset his father’s family of Italian origin.

He obtained numerous successes in titles such as “Absalón” and “Redondela”, although theater fans especially remember his long career within the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, when Adolfo Marsillach was in charge , when he demonstrated his enormous versatility with titles such as “La gran sultana”, where he was a memorable rogue, or “Fuenteovejuna”, in which he embroidered the fearsome Commander. Later, he did excellent work with Juan Carlos Pérez de la Fuente, in “La fundación”, “San Juan” and especially “La visita de la vieja dama”.

In film and television he was a regular secondary. He played a Machiavellian Falangist in La hora de los valientes , by Antonio Mercero , Fernando the Catholic in Juana la loca , by Vicente Aranda , and appeared in series such as Amar en tiempos revueltos , where he gave life to a businessman in a wheelchair. He also became a regular at the cinema of his stepson, Daniel Sánchez Arévalo , since Héctor Colomé had been linked to the mother of the popular director, actress Carmen Arévalo, since the 1990s. He played the father of the protagonist of Blue dark almost black , and the head of the clan of The great Spanish family. His last screen job was a doctor in [REC] 4: Apocalypse .
